Lose Weight and live forever

How to Lose Weight with a Side Effect of Living to be Over 100-Years-Old

Today I want to talk to you about how to lose weight in a super simple an easy and natural way…

It is so easy you might even not believe it and the craziest part of it all is that you can actually live a lot longer, over a 100…

Most Common Cause of Obesity Is Not What You Might Expect

So how do you do it?

What is this mysterious method that I am talking about?

It is actually the same thing that I’ve been saying over and over for a long period of time now, but it was discovered by an old medical study, it is a 1,000 year old proven method to lose weight…

When I was learning this originally, I had this ‘ahaa-moment’…

It was when I was going through a Ship Shape course and Mr. Martinez was talking about how he went to a seminar and listened Dr. Blair speak about the cause of the obesity epidemic in the nation and it wasn’t what he thought…

It wasn’t food…

Everyone thinks it’s food, everyone thinks it is the unhealthy American diet…

But the craziest thing was, it just wasn’t the case…

At the time I was hearing this, I believed that you had to work out really hard, exercise and all these things…

That you had to eat really healthy, like healthy foods and you needed to do all those things…

The reality was that it was all bullshit…

Because it was just me not knowing the truth…

Have you ever noticed that before how you think something is a certain way and when you actually learn how it really works, you think like ‘oh, that is easy now’?

It is kind of like THAT!

It is that moment when you are like ‘Oh shit! That is really easy’…

It really is that easy…

I don’t know if you’re going to believe it or not but you better believe it, because it is the truth…

What ends up happening is, if I summarize the whole thing for you, it is that fast food and all the unhealthy high-fat high-sugary foods, they have all been around for like 80 years…

McDonalds was established back in 1955…

While the obesity epidemic didn’t start until 1980…

25 years after fast food…

They’ve had hamburgers…

They’ve had unhealthy sugary foods and fatty foods…

But nobody got fat and they didn’t get fat until the personal computer in 1980…

After the personal computer you became sedentary and gradually over time we got fat…

The solution to your problem is not to go to the gym and work out, lift heavy weights and run hours on the treadmill or do any crazy stuff…

You don’t have to do that…

The solution is not like: let me restrict carbohydrates from my diet, or restrict fats from my diet, or go on an extreme calorie deficit…

Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!

Let me take a supplement from a magical plant that was discovered in the heart of an African rain forest…


Let me take this fat burner thermogenic that is going to heat my body up and it is going to melt the fat off…


None of that crap is the answer, it is not…

What IS The Answer to Weight Loss?

The answer is that you need to move more…

That is all that happened was the personal computer hit the market and it took over all manual labor jobs, it took over all jobs that required physical labor…

It took over everything that you used to do and you don’t do any more…

It replaced all movement…

That is the cause…

Get that into your head!

Seriously, don’t overthink it, don’t try to over-complicate it…

It is that simple…

So, when I learned about this method and I implemented this into my life, it is amazing…

But what I wanted to share with you about it really was a story about this guy, I don’t remember his name…

He had a weird name…

There is a New York Times article about it, you can look it up…

The guy was originally from the Greek Island Icaria…

First, he got injured in a war around the 1950s…

He ended up in the States (he booked a ship to the States so he could treat an injury)…

He was in the States for 25 years where he was working and he got diagnosed with cancer…

Doctors told him he had 6 months to live…

So he said to himself that he doesn’t want to waste his life insurance on a funeral…

Funerals are so expensive in America…

He wanted to move back to the island of Icaria, where he can have a funeral for couple hundred dollars…

So, that is what he and his wife did…

They moved back to Icaria and were waiting to die pretty much…

If you don’t know about the Greek island of Icaria, New York Times article called it the ‘island where people forget to die’…

They don’t have western food…

Basically they don’t have cars, they don’t have roads and they walk everywhere…

So, everything that I teach in my Technology Reversal Method and you can get my free book from my website, all you do is cover the shipping cost and check out the video there…

I go into detail on the simplest work out plan ever to lose weight permanently, to lose 30 pounds a year and keep it off forever…

I cover this plan in depth…

Now, the same plan is the same thing that guy was doing unknowingly in the island of Icaria…

Unknown Weight Loss Method on the Island of Icaria

Every day he was waking up and attend to the vineyards…

He had a wine vineyard, all these grapes and he attended to that, he attended his garden…

He had to walk 5 miles every evening to this little tavern where he played dominos and he would just talk and afterwards walked home…

People would walk over to his house in the evening and they would talk and talk, because they didn’t watch TV…

Their form of entertainment was with each other…

Sure enough, guess what happened?

The dude didn’t die…

The dude is still alive, he is over a 100 now…

It was about 50-60 years ago when he got diagnosed with cancer…

He went back to the States like 20 something years ago…

He tried to find these doctors who diagnosed him with cancer and he was going to have them look at him and see if the cancer had gone away…

All those doctors were dead…

So, he outlived the doctors who told him he was going to die within 6 months…

He had been diagnosed by 6 or 7 doctors…

The point is, my weight loss plan isn’t to move to Greek island of Icaria (although that would work)…

My weight loss plan is to reverse technology with simple little things that you plug into your everyday life that actually free up more time in your life not the opposite, like going to the gym does…

You actually free up more time and become more productive throughout the day by just following these simple little things in my book…

You can get my book…

It has got 110 of these ways you can plug in and it’s for free on my website…


I will ship it to you in the next 7 days after ordering it…

The point is, these little things that I am telling you to do in the book and in my video on my site, is the same basic things that he did and the same thing people on this island has been doing for years…

They all live to be over a 100 for the most point…

It is not just this guy, they all lived to be that way through movement…

Look, if you want to sit there and become sedentary from technology then you will die young, because your body is going to just wither away and die…

You’re also going to get fat…

If you are not already fat then you are going to get fat and the fat is going to cause you to die early as well and it causes all kinds of other diseases…

That’s it!

Follow this simple plan…

Be like this guy from the island of Icaria and change the way that you see the world…

Change the way you look at technology and the way that you’re going to live your life…

You will achieve the body of your dreams, look amazing and feel great and looks like you can live over a 100 and still get around like you were younger…

Anyway, that is all I have for you today…

Check out my website…

Go right now…

Go watch the video so you can learn this method and implement it into your life today, literally…

It is the simplest work out plan ever that you can implement right now…

Come on now!

Why would you not do that?

Even if you’re already an expert in nutrition and exercise, this is just like a bonus…

Why would you not do it?

I do it…

That is all I got so, bye!
