lose weight without exercise or going to the gym

How Do You Lose Weight Without Exercise or Going to the Gym?

I got up early in the morning and I was doing my morning routine to go workout…

Getting in the car to go to the gym is not so hard…

It is just driving…

I got my pre-workout that I am drinking and I get to the gym…

There has been several times right before when I get to the gym and I’d sit in my car…

If I hadn’t downed my pre-workout I would sit in the car and sip it like a good wine…

I sip it for like 30 minutes and then I even take a nap in the car…


I’d be in the car for about an hour before I even step foot in the gym…

That is called procrastination…

Why would someone procrastinate unless they didn’t want to really do it?

Some Days You Just Don’t Want To Workout

I finally get in the gym…

I am in the gym like…


Yesterday was one of the worst days…

When I was in the gym and I dreaded it…

It’s this one day of the week where I just cannot stand it, because it just takes so much out of me…

I remember this feeling…

I did not want to do this…

I was sitting at the machine, breathing, stretching, procrastinating because I did not want to sit down and do this leg thing…

Finally I got going…

You push through and then it’s over…

Actually doing it tends not to be as bad as you think and it gets over quickly…

But leading up to that, the procrastination piece, the piece where you really do not want to work out…

If you think about it, who the hell wants to work out?

It is painful…

Tearing muscles is one of the most painful things you can do…

It hurts!

It is exhausting for your entire nervous system, especially if you’re doing it right…

The cardio is definitely boring on days like this…

I don’t do cardio in the traditional sense of the word, because that is boring out of your mind…

I will not be on a treadmill for 30 minutes just running…

That is the most boring thing ever…

I will never do that…

Running is just as bad…

Let me go on a run for like an hour…

No, I won’t be doing it…

I do run at times because it is quite therapeutic but it is not something I would do regularly…

I get it, if I am overweight and I know I live a sedentary life…

I know that one of the problems of why I am overweight is because I don’t exercise…

Or I don’t do it correctly…

Or I don’t do it enough…

But I still want to lose weight…

I have a weight problem…

I want to drop the weight…

I want to be healthy…

I want to feel good about the way I look…

I want to be able to go out in public and not feel embarrassed about the way I look…

I want to go out in public, feel good and have a sense of confidence…

When you have a sense of confidence about yourself and you know you look good, that radiates off of you…

People want to talk to you and it’s a completely different feeling…

I want to be a role model to my kids…

My kids are seeing me overweight and that’s going to cause them to be overweight…

I am creating second generation obesity and I am basically putting a gun to their head, because they’re going to die of heart disease or diabetes…

I know all these things that I need…

I know what I want to have…

I want my wife or my husband to be attracted to me…

I want to look good…

I want to know that they feel like I look good and that they are attracted to me…

These are the things that I need, not want them, but I need them…

But we hate exercise…

So what is the answer if we hate exercise, but we know we need to do?

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just lose weight without exercise?

How amazing would that be?

I am not talking some bullshit, I am talking like legit, lose weight without exercise…

That would be so cool…

I was at home…

I’ve been at home a lot lately, because my wife just delivered…

She actually just had a baby and I’ve taken some time off to spend time with the family and see the little baby in the beginning and help out…

My son is on summer holiday and he begins school next week…

He has been home and there has been no pre-school…

He has been home a lot and I was watching him and been watching him for the last few days…

He likes to watch his little cartoon…

YouTube stuff on the laptop…

He would put that laptop on the couch and he’ll sit down on his knees on the floor and watch it…

So, he is watching his stuff and all off a sudden a YouTube video will come on, like some music thing and dancing thing, and he just takes off…

He jolts, running around the house, landing on the side of the couch and running circles around the place…

I was thinking like, holy shit!

This guy is getting insane cardio workout, he is burning some freaking calories and he is just watching some TV…

Any time he plays or does anything he is just running around like maniac…

A lot of people would be like, “Hey! Stop running around the house”…

Hell NO!

This kid is working out without the actual phrase of “working out”…

He is legitimately working his ass off harder than I see people at the gym working out and he is just playing, having a good time watching this TV…

Why the hell would I tell him not to run in the house?

Let him run around the house, let him do summersaults over the couch…

That is what you should be doing…

You need to be getting off your ass and stop sitting on the freaking couch…

You Need Physical Activity…Not Exercise!

When I was in Guam I went through a shipshape course…

One of the big things they tried to stress to you through this course was that it’s not exercise that you need, it’s physical activity…

Physical activity…

What the hell is that?

Physical activity is anything that involves movement…

You need to move more…

When I move, you move!

Get your ass up and move…

That is what you need to do…

You might think like “F*@K” this dude…

He is talking about moving more, this is just another thing, another form of exercise”

Listen for a second…

Quit freaking out about exercise…

I am not talking about exercise…

What I am talking about is you need to change the way that you think…

Technology is fucking you in the ass…

Literally bending you over and screwing the hell out of you…

Because that is why you’re a fat bastard…

Technology has made you that way…

I am being straight-forward with you right now…

Let’s be real!

Let’s talk real about why you are fat…

You might say…

How can I make that claim?

Prove it…

How is technology making me fat?

I can prove it…

Look at the history of America…

Look when America started having an obesity problem, around the 1980s, right when the personal computer entered the marketplace…

That is also when obesity chart went drastically up…

That is your proof…

Don’t take my word for it, look it up…

You are fat because you don’t move…

Prior to the 1980s, we had manual labor jobs, everything involved movement…

Computers came about and now everyone is sitting on their ass for 8 hours a day or even more…

Then they get home, watch TV and sit on their ass, because they think they’re tired mentally, but they haven’t done shit all day long…

So you develop this sedentary lifestyle…

We Don’t Get Obese Overnight

It’s not like you woke up fat one day…

You were a baby and you grew into being fat gradually…

It’s not like you just instantly put on 50 pounds of body fat…

It takes a lot of time to put on that much body fat…

All I am saying is that if you start moving more, not even a lot…

For example cut your grass, go for a walk in the evening instead of watching TV, park further away from work…

Every time I go to the food store, I see all these idiots trying to get that front parking spot, like they just won a prize…

You won the fat prize, because that’s what is going to happen – you’re going to get fat, because you are not moving!

You should be fighting for the parking spot that is further in the parking lot, because you need to walk,.. You need to move…

I am serious…

Every time I go to grocery store I go to the farthest parking spot…

If you don’t believe me, ask my wife…

She hates it, but I still do it and guess what, she has starting to park farther away now too…

She’s gotten used to it after years of doing it…

You need to move more…

You need to change the way you think…

Everyone is looking for less to do instead of more ways to move…

They are saying, how can technology help me to not move more…

Like remote control so I don’t have to get up to change the channel…

Not that I was already being super sedentary watching the TV…

Now let me make myself even more sedentary by creating a remote control and guess what everyone bought that…

It’s human nature…

I am not trying to say we’re not human…

I know the way we think…

I am human too…

I think the same way…

I want that remote control, I don’t want to get up, but what I am telling you is stop letting your body control what you need to do…

Think for yourself what you know you need to do and then do that…

Stop listening to, I am tired, my body is tired…

Who is in charge? You or your body?

Seriously, you need to take control of that and quit blaming other people…

You need to move more…

Go for a walk and gradually over time that little extra calorie expenditure that you are getting from moving more, you will slowly decline in weight instead of going up in weight and being fat…

You may be so overweight that you might need some more than just moving a little more, because as you get fatter, it gets harder…

If so, go to my website…

I’ve got plenty of ways for you to do this…

I’ve got advanced ways, extreme ways, I’ve got million different ways…

So I told you that you need to move more, like park further away, take the stairs instead of the elevator…

When I take the stairs, I literally get to the floor before the idiots that were waiting in line for the elevator to get there…

I get there before them, I burn calories because I walked and I built muscle walking up the stairs…

Stop waiting for the elevator!

I see people do that to go up one floor…

Are you kidding me?

Holy crap!

And you wonder why you are overweight…

Seriously, I am not screwing with you here…

This is an epidemic in America and you need to do something about it…

The only issue you’re going to run into is just taking control of yourself…

If you need help with that, we’ve got support groups, we’ve got a place to hold you accountable and help you do that, because it’s hard…

I’m not going to say that taking control of yourself is easy, for some people it is not…

We are here to help…

Go to my website https://www.internalizeweightloss.com/ and join our Facebook group and things like that…

The other problem is to coming up with ideas to move more, but guess what – I’ve got you covered…

I’ve got a free book “110 Ways”, it looks really badass too…

I had an artist to even design all the images and all you have to do is pay for shipping, otherwise it is free…

It’s going to be a small one that you can just flip through…

Just ideas always on-hand of how can I move more and you can carry it with you in your back pocket…

This will allow you gradually lose weight, live healthy, get the body of your dreams and along the way you’re going to develop a different lifestyle…

You’re going to transform into a person who is no longer sedentary…

Technology and their body no longer controls their actions…

You’ll become more self-aware and more self-confident along the way…

I hope that helps, that is how you do it without exercise…

I do both…

I go to the gym because I want to build muscle like a bodybuilder and I want to have really good looking body…

But if I just wanted to lose weight and I didn’t want to go to the gym, these are the things I would do and I do these anyway…

I always park far away, it’s not like I don’t do these…

I just do more than this…

All I’m saying is that if you do this, the bare minimum, you’re going to have a huge impact on your life…

Take care!

P.S. If you thought this was useful, please share it, like it and I will see you again next time…
