the truth about sugar and losing weight new

Truth about Sugar and Losing Weight – It’s Not That Bad for You

How does sugar affect losing weight and your ability to have weight loss and meet your goals in that?

Can you eat sugar? Can you not eat sugar? What is the deal?

What Is Your Real Goal For Losing Weight?

I made this video the other day and I was actually filming my cereal that I was eating…

It was light cereal, it had 4 grams of sugar…

Anyway, I made the video just as like a somewhat healthy cereal…

I mean, no cereal is really crazy healthy for you, but I was like…

Look this cereal is kind of healthy…

It is whole wheat and it has got 4 grams of sugar…

I made this video and I made the comment, I said…

“Look, it is made of whole wheat which is good for you if you’re worried about diabetes”

I did this and I got all this feedback from the ‘keto-freaks’ that love their no-carb diet…

They blasted me and said, look at all that sugar, it has 4 grams in a serving, your bowl has got like 4 servings in it, that has got like 20 grams of sugar and they went nuts on the sugar…

They were like, this guy knows nothing about weight loss because the sugar content in there is ridiculously high…

I understand where they are coming from…

I understand there is a lot of confusion out there as far as weight loss and sugar and everything else…

At the end of the day, what is the goal?

The goal is that I want to lose weight…

I want to be someone that’s healthy and easiest way to be healthy is to lose all the excess body fat…

I want to feel good about the way I look…

I want to be a good role model for my children…

But at the same time I want to enjoy my food…

I want to eat food that tastes good, because it makes me feel good to eat good food…

Sugar makes food taste good…

Real Deal about Sugar…

So what is the real deal here?

Can I still lose weight and eat the sugar or not?

What’s the effect?

Why is everyone bashing out because cereal has sugar in them?

Here is the deal, in order to understand how sugar is going to affect your body, is simple…

They have this thing called the glycemic index…

What I learned about the glycemic index?

Long time I go I was going through a ship shape course and it was the first time I had ever heard about it…

What the glycemic index does is it gives you a scale between 1 and 100, where a 100 is like instant insulin spike, the food just instantly absorbs into blood stream…

That is what a 100 means…

That means it is basically pure sugar, because pure sugar or bleached white bread are immediately going to flood into the blood with glycogen stores…

That means, because that flood into the blood is so fast, your body is going to release insulin, because insulin is what your body uses to get that out of the blood stream…

That is how people become diabetic…

That is how they become insulin resistant and diabetic, is because they are constantly eating things like sugar that is making these huge insulin spikes and your body gets resistant to that screaming sound from the insulin and eventually become diabetic…

That is the whole deal with sugar…

That is how sugar affects the body but it literally has nothing to do with your ability to lose weight…

Absolutely nothing!

All that matters about losing weight at the end of the day is how much did I eat compared to how much energy I burned throughout the day…

I know that people say that is some old concept and outdated thing, but it doesn’t matter what you think it is, it’s the truth…

That is literally the only thing that matters…

You can try to come up with new ideas and make things sound better or whatever, but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is that…

That’s it!

Over Complicating Things Won’t Make You Lose Weight

Don’t over complicate things…

People will think that they are nutritionists because they read all these articles about being healthy…

I don’t care if you are super knowledgeable about healthy food…

That doesn’t mean you know how to lose weight…

It means that you know how to eat healthy, that’s it!

Your ability to lose weight is your understanding of how to eat and how to burn those calories off…

That is only thing that matters …

At the end of the day I always go back to this…

If I was to stop eating, would I lose weight or not?

I would lose weight…

It only makes sense when you think of it at this extreme level…

If I’d stop eating I would lose weight…

Energy in versus energy out…

If I’m not taking any energy in, I will lose weight…

I am not saying go starve yourselves, I am just trying to use that as an example to show my point…

So quit worrying about sugar if you’re trying to lose weight, because it is not related…

Eating sugar is going to spike your insulin, the only other effect it is going to have is you might feel hungry sooner because of the insulin spike your body is going to absorb all that energy and then it’s going to think it’s hungry quicker…

Whereas if you eat lower glycemic food, like whole wheat piece of bread that is like 40 on the glycemic index, that food is going to last longer and you won’t be hungry until later and that is the only thing it is going to affect…

Think of it like this…

Sugar is something to think about as far as when to take it…

Here is the other side of it…

That cereal that I was eating that had sugar in it…

Here is the thing, when you understand that the glycemic index shows how the food is going to spike your insulin…

You understand this and there is a point in time when that is a good thing…

Sometimes it is a good thing…

What if I am about to go work out in an hour?

I just slept for 8 hours and I have no glycogen stores…

Nothing is built up because I just slept all day and now I need food to hit my bloodstream fast…

I need that energy now…

I am about to go lift weights and I need energy for that…

I want sugar and I want it to absorb into my body right now…

If I am about to go for a long run then I need it right now…

If I am in the middle of a long run, they’ve got those little sugar things (those little gummies), that is pure sugar and absorbs instantly…

So there is a point in time where sugar is a good thing…

When you understand how food affects the body that will be more effective…

Instead of labelling everything that this is not healthy…

Each Food Has Its Purpose

Everything serves a purpose, but too much of anything is bad for you…

If you only smoke one cigarette a month you wouldn’t die from lung cancer, but no one does that…

They smoke a pack a day and that is why they die from lung cancer…

It’s the amount…

That is my spiel on sugar…

You can eat it but just eat in proportion…

Everything is in proportion…

You can eat a little sugar…

Don’t freak out because you ate some sugar…

It is actually worse if you starve yourself from the stuff you love, because at the end of the day you’re going to crash…

Maybe a month from now you might freak out and just gobble a whole cart full of chocolates, because you have been starving yourself from something that you want…

One More Useful Hack…

Here is one more little hack before I’ll let you go…

You’re going to like this…

I love this hack…

A lot of people talk about fruit…

I’ve heard different things about fruits…

You talk to a doctor and they say yeah, eat all the fruit you want, it is healthy…

If you talk to some bodybuilder then they say, oh no, fruit is loaded with fructose, that is too much sugar…

Fructose is sugar, so they think sugar is bad for you, but here is the thing about fruit…

Fruit has sugar, which is a natural sugar called fructose…

I don’t know why we call it a natural sugar…

The only thing that is not a natural sugar is corn syrup, but cane sugar is a natural sugar, stevia is a natural sweetener…

Let’s say you didn’t want the insulin spike but you want to make your food taste sweet, take stevia…

I love stevia, it is a green natural plant that is sweet…

It tastes just like sugar…

People over complicate things…

Sidenote: I’ve got these chocolate chips at home, I found them in a baking isle, they are baking chocolate chips and they are made with stevia and they’ve got only little bit of fat. They are not even high in saturated fats, it is mostly unsaturated fat, but they do have some saturated fat, but no sugar content. Zero insulin spike…

30 of those chips are 55 calories! Now, that is like a healthy cheat to me…

My trick, my hack is fiber…

I love that!

Fruit is loaded with fiber, it’s the crunchy bit when you bite into the apple, that is fiber…

The reason why fruit doesn’t spike your insulin as much as sugar does, even though you are eating all this sugar, is because of the fiber that’s in the fruit…

Think of fiber like this…

Fiber surrounds it and pushes it through the body and helps your body to process through it…

It is almost like it’s deluding it…

Your body doesn’t digest fiber so it gets shitted out…

Fiber is like a miracle thing…

Eat some fiber with everything…

The hack I am telling you about is if you’re going to eat some sugar, take some fiber with it…

Turn it like into fruit and little insulin spike…

Well, you’re going to have some insulin spike but it is going to be lower then if it was just sugar without fiber…

That is my hack for the day, take some fiber, which is literally why I eat fruit with every meal, because it just helps to process everything through your body and lowers the insulin level…

The only reason we are constantly monitoring our insulin is because, this day and age, with all these processed foods…

Every time you go to Taco Bell or McDonalds, that white bread is spiking your insulin like 100…

Every time you eat these processed things like white rice or white bread, they are stripping away the fiber…

The difference in whole-wheat grain compared to white grain rice is the fiber…

The fiber is saving your life…

Take some fiber if you like that white stuff…

That will literally save your life…

That is basically it…

That is sugar, that is how sugar affects weight loss so don’t over complicate these things, take some fiber!

If you thought this was useful, share it…

Enjoy some sugar…

I enjoy stevia more than sugar, because I like not having an insulin spike, I just do…

It actually makes me feel better…

I like how it feels not to spike my insulin…

It is also more natural…

It is the way God intended the food to be was to have fiber and not spike your insulin…

The only reason we have all these problems is all this processed food…

Again, this is for diabetes…

This has nothing to do with weight loss…

People get side tracked with diabetes and weight loss, it has nothing to do with each other…

If you worry about losing weight…

Don’t give a shit about sugar, except that I like to have sustained energy…

That is why I don’t like to eat a lot of sugar…

They kind of go hand in hand…

Once you start learning about weight loss you start learning all these other things as well and you start eating healthier…

Once you are aware, it is like, why wouldn’t I?

I hope that was helpful, please share it with somebody else, like it and comment if you’ve got some advice to give…

Check out my course that is coming out soon, the Internalize Weight Loss course…

It is going to hit in the streets really soon…

Don’t think I’ve forgot about it, I’ve just been really busy…

The course is almost ready for you…

That is all I have…

Take care and good luck with your weight loss!
