Losing Weight Without Feeling Hungry

#1 Secret to Losing Weight Without Feeling Hungry – You Will Have More Energy and Feel Healthier

What is this little known secret to being able to lose weight without feeling hungry?

This thing is huge…

I remember when I first learned this secret, I was learning about nutrition…

I was in Guam and first I was trying to figure out how I could to lose fat…

I was reading ton of books…

I really wanted to look good…

I wanted to get body fat off of my body and I wanted to lean up…

I wanted to feel getting that extra level of making your body look good…

Some people in the gym they got all these lines on their muscles…

They looked really good and you could see all the definition…

I learned that I needed to lose body fat to be able to do that…

That is when I started down that path and reading all these books…

I got to this one book where they were talking about how to eat…

Before this point I remember eating…

I was still trying to lose weight too before I knew this and I would get really hungry in between meals…

Have you ever experienced where you eat something and then within maybe an hour you already feel like you’re starving again?

Like, what the heck?

How come I just ate all this food and I’m starving all the sudden? What the heck is going on?

It makes it really hard to lose weight when you have to deal with hunger pains…

You can’t underestimate hunger pains…

They are very strong and powerful…

Not only the hunger pains themselves but you start to feel drained and you start to feel tired, exhausted…

That’s what I was feeling…

I remember just the other day I was feeling it when I got hungry…

It was time to eat…

I started to feel tired and then my stomach starts to hurt…

You’re feeling that you need to get something in your body…

So, if you’re feeling like that, how you’re going to be able to lose weight…

I am not saying you can’t lose weight like that, but it makes it a lot harder to lose weight in these situations…

I just thought that it would be nice, but the time I didn’t even know it was an option, to not experience that feeling when you’re trying to lose weight…

You Can Lose Weight Without Hunger Pains

Sure enough I didn’t even know that it was something to find…

But when I read all these books, that’s when I had found that it was possible to actually have this…

It was done through this thing called Glycemic index…

The Glycemic index is what I found, and it is pretty cool…

What I ended up learning was about carbohydrates…

 You know, the stuff that everyone is telling you not to eat nowadays, especially the ketogenic diet guys…

The ‘keto-guys’ don’t want you to eat carbs because that is what ‘fad diets’ do…

They just eliminate stuff, instead of telling you why, they just say “cut it out”…

That’s our new thing…

Just cut it out…

It’s a new thing and everyone is going to jump on board…

I am not telling you to eliminate carbs because I know that if you do that, in a six months from now you’ll be like:

“I need to find another diet plan, because this one sucks and I can’t live a normal life…

Everyone is eating carbs around me and I’m always this guy who says I cannot eat that”…

I am not telling you THAT…

I am telling you eat the hell out of some carbs, but understand the glycemic index…

Basically, what it does is it tells you certain foods get absorbed instantly into the body, like in 15-30 minutes…

They just get absorbed into the body and processed and moved out…

It’s like a big ass energy rush if you eat these types of foods…

Which is fine, I don’t mind eating those types of foods if I am about to work out in 30 minutes and I need energy right away…

Or I am on a competitive run and I need energy right away, whatever…

Then I’ll eat something like that, but if I am just trying to lose weight and I need sustained energy from that meal over 3-4 hours, then I need to eat foods that are not like that…

I started to learn that, and I started eating that way…

I started to eat foods that were not absorbed into the body instantaneously and they actually trickled, which was really cool…

It’ll actually trickle into your body over a period of time, like over 2-4 hours you are constantly getting it…

It’s like sticking an IV in your arm and there is drip feed of nutrition and energy…

It is amazing!

When you learn this, it takes your weight loss game to a whole another level…

It is incredible…

Not only do you just feel better, you don’t get a huge spike of energy and then afterwards be drained…

No! You get sustained energy levels…

You just feel good…

It has gotten to the point that if I don’t eat like that right now, I hate it…

Slow Absorbing Foods VS Fast Absorbing Foods in Weight Loss

The other day this had happened, just couple days ago…

We ran out of cereal at home and it was the cereal that I love, because it’s the food that absorbs really slowly into the body…

So, I love this cereal and it tastes great…

I eat it and I have this steady flow of energy hours after I’ve ate it…

I feel really good…

I don’t feel bloated, I don’t feel anything…

I just feel good…

So, the other day I went to open the cabinet in the kitchen and all the cereal was gone…

I thought my wife went shopping because there was there were bunch of new almond milk containers in the fridge and I thought “oh good, she went shopping”, so I didn’t think about the cereal, she knows I need the cereal…

But there was no cereal!

There was nothing…

Here I am… hungry, it’s the morning, I’ve got my routine down and now I’m like SHIT…

What am I going to do?

I started looking for another option…

The only other option in the whole kitchen to eat, some type of something to get into my stomach, was instant oatmeal…

If you know anything about instant oatmeal, NOT old fashioned oatmeal, that thing will spike your energy through the roof…

I was like “No!”

But I have to eat this, there is no other option.

So I did!

I filled up a bowl with 4 packets of instant oatmeal, put some almond milk in the mix, microwaved it for a minute, tore it up….

Tasted amazing, but within 10-15 minutes I can feel it, it was like an explosion in my head, I could just feel all this flood of energy…

The thing that you wouldn’t even be aware of typically if you don’t know these things…

This is part of internalizing weight loss, is all off a sudden you just become aware of what is happening in your body and you can just feel these things…

You don’t feel them until you’re aware of them….

It is really cool…

That’s why I really love internalizing these things…

It makes it so much easier and is just simple once you get it right…

I could just feel the spike…

I actually started to feel tired because it was so much energy just flooding me…

It was actually hard to concentrate, I was trying to work and it was hard to concentrate…

Then all the sudden it started to finally tickle down and I got hungry again, quick, within an hour…

Within an hour I needed something else…

Then I found some things that would absorb slowly, popped it all in…

Then I had this steady flow with that little bit of something to just keep the edge off, but it kind of screwed up my whole day…

I am not saying that you can’t eat things that absorb quickly, if you really enjoy it…

But just knowing these things, if you know that you’re going to eat it, at least you can prepare for that…

Like I was prepared, I already knew what was going to happen and I planned it out…

But if I can I definitely love to eat slow absorbing food…

I am telling you, you start eating this, you learn this and it will just change your game…

The foods that are like this, taste amazing…

Better than the foods that don’t have it…

Seriously, way better!

You are probably just not aware which ones do and which ones don’t…

Now Weight Loss Is Going to Be Easy Without Hunger Pains

Once you achieve this, you will have the body of your dreams…

You will finally get that weight off of you, finally, because you are not dealing with the hunger pains…

Weight loss becomes so much easier, unlike before and now you are this person who knows how to eat with confidence and sustained energy…

You’ll feel better throughout the day…

So, there are a lot of extra things going along with losing weight…

All you need to do is go to my website:


I have a whole section in my course, that is coming out really soon, on the Glycemic index…

I will go in depth on it…

I’m going to give you templates and spreadsheets…

These things you can plug on the refrigerator with the magnet like I had…

Once you get it, you don’t need that stuff anymore…

But while you’re learning it, during the 8 weeks of the course, I’m going to give you the tools for success…

So you are going to have everything you need…

That’s all I have for you today…

If you thought this was valuable information, please share it, I would really appreciate that…

Hopefully someone else can benefit from it as well…

Other than that, take care, have a great day and I’ll see you soon!
