interview top medical weight loss questions with doctor

Top Medical Questions People Struggling To Lose Weight Need To Know the Answer to

Interview with Dr. Sandra Cabot

Today’s interview’s topic is the top medical questions every person struggling to lose weight and keep it off needs to know the answer to…

Today I am talking with weight loss medical expert Dr Sandra Cabot about potential medical issues that could prevent overweight people to losing weight no matter how hard they try, especially when they have tried before and failed…

Medical Weight Loss Expert Introduction

Oliver Carlin:

Welcome Dr. Sandra Cabot…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:


It’s lovely to be part of your program, Oliver…

Thank you…”

Oliver Carlin:

Alright, thank you…

Dr. Cabot is a well-known expert on the subject of weight loss, who has 44 years of experience in the medical field…

She is an international bestselling author with 50 published books and over million copies sold…

Dr. Cabot believes that one of the most important health issues for people today is the control of obesity and the prevention of diabetes as well as educating our children about self-esteem, good diet and healthy lifestyle…

She has graciously agreed to join us for this interview to share extensive knowledge and experience so every person that is struggling to lose weight can find out if they have a medical condition that is preventing them to losing weight no matter how hard they try and what they should do about it…

Dr. Cabot, thank you again for joining us on this live interview…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

Thank you, Oliver and a very good subject…

Medical causes for inability to lose weight are often quite subtle and don’t get picked up, but even though they are subtle in many cases they are quite important and they can be an obstacle to continue a permanent weight loss and result in people becoming disappointed and frustrated and giving up and they don’t reach their long-term goal of a healthy weight, so they need to be picked up…”

Oliver Carlin:


I 100% agree with you…

People that I have met, weight loss is such a confusing thing for them, and a lot of times people just could of have a medical condition, but they don’t know…”

Having a Fatty Liver Can Affect Weight Loss

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yes, one of them is common cause to a successful weight loss is liver if it is not healthy, because a healthy liver is vital for metabolism…

Healthy liver will regulate your metabolism, however if your lives is overloaded, overworked in terms to toxic chemicals, sugar and you get fatty liver, it is much harder to lose weight unless you help your liver…

You support your liver so that your liver functions more efficiently and so often people who are stuck on a weight plateau should focus on their liver…

First of all we check their liver with a simple ultrasound scan, which will show its texture and size and if it’s fatty we’ll have a different texture due to the fat that is stored within it so it’s more than 5% of the liver’s weight is fat than normal…

You see that out of scan…

Also, you may have elevated liver enzymes in blood test for the function…

That indicates that liver is inflamed…

In other words, it’s being damaged by the excessive amount of fat in cells…

So, we have to improve the liver’s ability to metabolize fat and we have to reduce the inflammation in liver and that will provide the missing part of the jigsaw puzzle…

Then people start to see results with their weight loss and feel more energized and moods will improve, and it becomes much easier for them…”

Oliver Carlin:


I never would’ve guessed that the liver would play such a crucial role in your ability to lose weight…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yes, a lot of people don’t think about it…

They think well, liver does its own thing, you know…

It’s in our body and it is designed to take care of us to filter and cleanse our bloodstream…

To break down toxic chemicals…

To regulate blood sugar and fat levels…

Today the liver is exposed to so many adverse environmental in valences…

So, the liver problems are common and underrecognized, so I always have a really good look at person’s liver…

So, I am a liver doctor and we talk about liver functions and we talk about being aware of the symptoms that indicate that your liver has the problem…

Such as increased amount of fat around the upper abdomen, a cellar complexion, skin rashes, brown spots on the skin, dark circles under the eyes, kind of a yellowish look to whites of your eyes, headaches, fatigue, bad breath, overheating, excessive sweating and also you can feel easily irritable…

The liver can affect your moods tremendously…

Metaphysically, the liver is known as the seat of anger…

So, that if you are more irritable and overheated then this is a sure sign that liver needs help…

Also coated tongue, bad breath, indigestion and if you got 3 or 4 symptoms it will indicate you need to improve your liver…

It is really interesting,  I had a patient call one day and I picked up the phone, so she was lucky, she was a very discouraged lady because she had been to liver specialist which we call a hepatologist…

Her liver wasn’t healthy, she had special scan or images of the liver called fibroscan, which detects the stiffness and therefore ability of scarring and fibrosis in the liver, and her rating was really high indicating possible cirrhosis…

Too very overweight, her liver enzymes were elevated so the liver doctor said that she has high chance that she will need a liver transplant, your liver is very inflamed and it’s attacking your liver…

But the outline cause was the fact that lady had eaten so much sugar and it was affecting the liver…

She had parts of the liver so inflamed and swollen that it made the liver stiff and the appearance indicated Cirrhosis…

So, I put this lady on a detox program and liver formula and within three months she had lost a lot of weight, about 50 pounds and she felt very well and the liver tests were almost normal…

You know, this woman was really frightened because she didn’t understand that the liver is able to repair and recover itself better than any other part of the body…

Many people don’t understand the liver, they don’t understand how strategic it is when it comes to your overall health and your weight…

So, that’s an interesting case…

If you’re stuck on a plateau and not feeling well, don’t give up, think about your liver, because when you improve liver functions a lot of fundamental things gets better…

That’s why I have written a lot of books on the liver, I’ve learned a lot just by treating peoples livers and seeing the diverse benefits you wouldn’t have expected, this is one thing about integrated medicine…

If you’re battling with your weight, think about your liver, get to understand the liver and work on that…”

Oliver Carlin:


So I wonder how does the liver causes your body to put on more fat overall…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“That is the question, because the liver has a lot of functions to do with metabolism and the storage of fat…

So, if you have a fatty liver, you are not able to lose weight very easily…

Now, a lot of people with a fatty liver don’t tolerate eating carbohydrates, so if they eat grains and sugar and don’t exercise much, they store those carbohydrates straight away as fat…

Often elevated levels of insulin in a blood test and they may be pre-diabetic, so they are just born that way, they are prone to diabetes and they have to adjust their diet so it’s much lower in carbohydrates and that will console the metabolism hormones, namely the insulin…

So, it’s not so much how much they’re eating than what they’re eating…

Of course, exercise is important to a lot different levels…

But if you’re very overweight and tired, you don’t feel like exercising, so improving your liver is dealing with your overall well-being and you will become more motivated…

But some of the reasons why people have liver problems is that they just eat too much carbohydrates and they overeat or they snack…

We are not meant to eat continuously throughout the day…

A lot of people have adopted this paradigm of intermittent fasting, which is actually very good for the liver, but a lot of people would say that they can’t eat one meal a day, breakfast or lunch…

You don’t need to throw it away, just drink water…

Water is one of the best things for your liver…

Filtered water obviously is better, but if you can’t afford it even meal water is good…

The other thing, people drink too much alcohol…

You really shouldn’t be having more than 5-6 standard drinks a week and people don’t pay attention to what chemicals they use in their home…

People are exposed to a lot of pollution, driving their car or people use food that is packaged in plastic and they heat it in the microwave oven, which radiates the food, so that’s not good for the liver…

People don’t eat enough salads and fruits or unprocessed food…

They need to eat healthy fats…

People believe that fatty liver comes from eating too much fat, that is not true, that’s from eating too much carbohydrates…

So, we need the healthy fats, we need the coconut fat, we need avocados, eggs; organic and unprocessed dairy is okay for most people and let’s say a small fist of heavy metals, so don’t get all on low fat diet…

That isn’t going to work to help you lose weight or to reverse a fatty liver…

Also, herbs, if you have a garden even better, that has like basil and cilantro other herbs, these are powerful foods for the liver…

Garlic is also very good…

Have a lot of grated carrot, grated beet, a lot of green loaf stuff…

Even Hippocrates said “let food be thy medicine” and when it comes to liver this is so very important…

There is a lot of information in my book on the liver, fatty liver and how to reverse it…

There is a big story in there about a lovely American doctor who was very suspicious and who had a fatty liver and who reversed it just by changing his diet and taking liver formula…

So, think of your liver and what would be the cause of slower metabolism…

The Thyroid Can Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts

Another thing to think about are the hormones, particularly the thyroid…

There is a lot of information on thyroid and I think it’s good, but really it is very simple…

Your thyroid gland controls your metabolic rate…

If you have an unhealthy thyroid, perhaps it’s not getting the iodine or selenium that it needs through the diet or it has been radiated too much by your cell phone or perhaps you have overall thyroid’s inflammation called Hashimoto’s which is extremely common…

All this makes it much harder to lose weight, because your metabolic rate will slow down…

A lot of people are low in iodine, it’s a huge problem worldwide and if you are working on your diet at least take a supplement and/or you’re eating seaweed…

If they come from Asia, then they can be contaminated so I tell people to be very selective at the types of seaweeds and the stock they would buy…

If it is in stock or if it’s stirred in the juices, so the kelp powder is good and also selenium, the mineral that is essential to healthy thyroid…

Worldwide there is a big deficiency of selenium in soils…

It’s quite difficult to measure selenium in a person’s body, because blood test only shows whether they’ve taken the supplement recently, but it’s just tip of the iceberg…

Some of those selenium deficient blood test may show that they don’t look so bad because they have just started taking selenium supplement, but it takes several months for the selenium in the blood to incorporate to the inner part of the cells we call nucleus and that is where selenium exerts it’s effects…

So, don’t be concerned about the blood test for selenium, it’s really not essential…

If you have a thyroid problem, take a selenium and iodine supplement…

That is important…

Now what if you do not have an active thyroid and it’s been so damaged that you need to take a certain hormone…

That is not a bad thing because it’s a natural hormone, but some people are intolerant to the thyroid hormone or they find that the hormones doesn’t work right after a while…

This is because they are deficient in selenium and perhaps iodine, so you need to convert the thyroid hormone to its actual form…

It’s really interesting that if you are deficient in those minerals, the thyroid hormone won’t convert to that form…

Also, it is very important because thyroid metabolism is occurring in your liver…

You really need to address these deficiencies and your liver function, if you have a thyroid problem…

It will make a big difference for the people who are struggling with their weight, the iodine and selenium and you take them off pollution and energy radiation to the thyroid gland…

Hopefully it’s been helpful for you there…”

Oliver Carlin:


You were saying something interesting…

The big thing what I got out of what you were saying was the liver is going to affect the metabolism, thyroid effects the metabolism…

Selenium and iodine are crucial minerals for allowing your body to actually process the hormones and everything to be effective to help your metabolism…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

Yes, the liver comes in every problem and it’s not just the liver, there are other factors there that need to be addressed, so the thyroid is dependent on a healthy liver and that is important to understand…

Their problems respond so wonderfully to nutrition medicine and physiology that has a lot of scientific studies to show that this way of treating people in medicine actually works…

Because a lot of people would get offensive and they would be like I don’t want to have to take 20 different supplements, it is too much for people…

So, I try to bring out the really vital and important nutrients, that can really turn around the people metabolism…

Thyroid is so important and in women what we often find too that if their ovaries are not working properly, their thyroid is not working properly…

The relationship of the different organs of the body to each other is very important…

Strictly a woman who has an unhealthy thyroid will be low in the hormone progesterone which is affecting their menstrual cycle, and this will cause abnormal uterine bleeding and iron deficiency…

This affects the weight gain…

So, what we find is that if we improve the thyroid, the menstrual cycle will improve, the abnormal bleeding will reduce, but we may need to use some natural progesterone as well…

That can help particularly around the hips and thighs…

Polycystic Ovaries Can Prevent You From Losing Weight

The other thing is if the ovaries are not working properly, say you are not ovulating every months, so you’ve got polycystic ovaries…

You have reduced progesterone and that will adversely affect the thyroid gland…

So, I always look at the ovaries as well and always look for signs of inadequate progesterone…

Women with polycystic ovaries they produce too much testosterone…

They don’t produce enough progesterone…

These can cause insulin resistance; it can cause weight gain in your abdominal area and thighs…

We just balance in progesterone and the thyroid with the progesterone cream and perhaps thyroid supplement that contains selenium and iodine, little bit of zinc…

We can get the body in balance again and that subtle change will make a powerful difference and it is really helpful for people, but they think wow this is really starting to manifest the changes and how you feel…”

Oliver Carlin:

“So, the ovaries play a crucial role…

That is a huge balancing going on…

You’ve got the liver, you’ve got the ovaries and you got the thyroid all trying to create a balance for metabolism in the body…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yeah, that’s right and we talk about this if you can’t lose weight and don’t know why…

This is the hidden reason…

Toxins Can Be Secretly Sabotaging Your Ability to Lose Weight

The other one is if you’ve been exposed to a lot of toxic chemicals, especially plastics, solvents, pesticides, cleaning products, outgassing from cars that are new and houses…

These chemicals act like hormones and a lot of them are fat soluble, so they get stored in the fatty parts of your body like your fatty tissue and they slow down the metabolism of fat cells…

We call these toxic chemicals obesogens, because they make you obese…

Detoxification and drinking water is good to help you lose weight…

Detoxification like eating more salads, more organic foods, unprocessed foods, foods from herb garden or vegetable garden and doing a 15-day cleanse program, you know taking some formulas that will help your liver to break down toxins…

That can help with weight loss as well to minimize the workload of our liver and our fat cells…

Fat cells are meant to store fat, they are not meant to store toxins…”

Oliver Carlin:


So, toxins can affect your body’s ability to burn fat, take fat off and lose weight…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yes, absolutely…

That’s right, it is a huge factor…

Parasites in Your Gut Could Be Making You Gain Weight

The other thing is bacteria in the gut…

This is another factor in keeping you overweight, and this is because the wrong types of bacteria need sugar, they crave sugar…

So that creates chemicals that affect your brain and your gut and make you crave…

They are the parasites, causing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth…

When you eat sugar, the amount of these unhealthy bacteria increases radically and they produce these toxins or chemicals that make you crave sugar…

That really makes it much harder to stick to a healthy diet…

This is one benefit of the missing one meal a day and not snacking and eating foods that are natural antibiotics like garlic or coconut or herbs like basil or thyme or oregano…

Also, organic apple cider vinegar…

Don’t hesitate to add this in the meal and it will help our body to reduce the bad bacteria and it will start amending intestines and that will give you trillions of healthy bacteria which will help to get rid of bad bacteria…

I had a patient that was totally addicted to sugar, just as much as you can be addicted to nicotine…

He would eat enormous amount of sugar, so much so that his gut was full of yeast and unhealthy bacteria…

That also made the sugar into alcohol and he actually got convicted of driving under influence of excessive alcohol…

It was only his diet…

I had to be an expert witness and I believed him…

I gladly changed his diet and his mental state improved radically and he’s got all levels now normal…

Our mental state is profoundly affected by the bacteria in our gut…

These are little techniques, if you’re not hungry don’t eat…

If you are hungry eat something that feeds good bacteria, like coconut, salads, herbal teas, there is lots of fruits, garlic, onions, things that are really helpful…

We try heal people of sugar addictions, because sugar will kill just as much as smoking…

Bacteria in your gut is very important to losing weight…”

Sugar Could Be Killing You and Making You Overweight

Oliver Carlin:

“So, you’re saying sugar is just as deadly as smoking?

How would sugar kill somebody?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

Well, the diabetes is epidemic and it involves a lot of people at a very young age, because the sugar causes the duration of the protein in our body…

So, vital proteins in your body may get tangled up and they are blocked…

So, you could get kidney damage or blocked arteries from the sugar or it gets in part of your brain, you could get dementia, it is very toxic…

Now, I’m not talking about fruits, I am talking about processed foods, like candies and eating too much sugar…

It is very proinflammatory and inflammation causes diseases…

I think it’s really important for people to look how much sugar they are eating…

Like look at the ketogenic diet…

I think Dr. Atkins made that famous…

He was way ahead of his time and he was cardiologist…

He said that you have to quit carbohydrates if you have cardiovascular disease or overweight, you got to go off the grains to reduce the sugar and that will get the insulin down…

That is important because insulin is a fat storing hormone…

We can prevent so many diseases if we stop eating excessive amounts of sugar…

We would lose weight like you wouldn’t believe…

It is so important to replacing the sugar with healthy fats and protein…

Perfect source of protein is eggs…

They are inexpensive, they are full antioxidants and good fats and protein and they are low in cholesterol and we could create an egg diet…

Eggs for breakfast and lunch and for dinner…

Don’t get wild now, I am just kidding, but it is healthy…

People want to be eating foods that are not creative, not man created…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Right, kind of like the paleo diet used to really stress whole foods and from the Earth…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“When you are eating a bit of butter and eggs, healthy cheese, fish, some seeds and nuts…

It’s healthy fats and they all take away hunger…

So, a lot of foods that are processed they cost a lot of money…

A lot of people they are not eating that much, but they are eating the wrong foods…

Another thing that affects your weight is brain chemistry, you know if you are depressed, if you’re not making enough brain transmitters…

We make our brain transmitters from protein and amino acids, like tryptophan and tyrosine…

So, eating protein will improve your mood…

If people have depression and anxiety, they need to look for relaxation therapies or can meditate, perhaps doing Pilates, going out into fresh air and doing some deep breathing, looking at nature, they need to work on their self-esteem…

It’s very important they improve their self-esteem…

You got to learn to love yourself to health…

A lot of people, they don’t believe in their own health and it is very important to achieve anything in this life through persistence…

One of my favorite sayings is, it is not original, it is from Henry Ford, that whether you think you can or whether you think you cannot, you are right…

You can be your greatest enemy, like look, you are not losing weight and you’re going to get stressed and quit…

You got to stop doing this to yourself and got to get in touch with your true self…

That is where meditation helps to put you in touch with energy…

It satisfies those cravings…

Self-esteem is a big thing…

I also say to people, don’t weigh yourself every day…

Throw those scales away because what are you trying to achieve?

You want to be the skinniest corpse in the cemetery?


You want to be healthy person and you want to enjoy life, but to do that you need to have a healthy weight, so let’s get the journey of getting healthy and having a healthy diet and learning to love ourselves…

You will lose weight; you just have to persist and don’t listen to all stupidity from yourself…

Your brain is the enemy to losing weight and in between your meals…”

Oliver Carlin:

“That is very good info…

One thing you mentioned was the fact that people aren’t really overeating that much in general…

Just eating foods that are bad for them essentially and causing all these problems in the body…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

Huge problems…

Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know the Truth About Diabetes

Nutrient deficient sugar-rich foods and this is the food industry…

You really have to be careful not to be a sheep and just accepting by what you see in the media…

There is a lot health information out there, that’s why I try and share this information…

I been a doctor for nearly 45 years and I always choose integrating medicine…

I see a lot of influence from drug companies to make people dependent or those medications…

For example, diabetes…

People go to the doctor and no drug is perfect…

The diabetes industry has so many drugs…

Now, some drugs they do help, but there are so many new ones coming out and we don’t focus enough on telling people simple basics about the things that are making you diabetic…

Look, if you don’t want to change your diet, you’re not motivated, it’s fine…

I’m not going to be telling you what to do, but my job is to help people who want to take more scientific approach and they’re willing to take some magnesium to help their sugar metabolism, supplements which can help…

A berberine is a very good herb that can have insulin be improved, it can be just as effective as a drug…

Magnesium is very important for people with diabetes…

People need a lot more information about cause of diabetes not so much information about the drugs…

Now, there are two types of diabetes…

There is Type 1, you need insulin in the form of a drug, it’s a natural hormone, but the vast majority of people with diabetes are type 2 and what causes that is eating too much carbohydrates…

That is related to the insulin resistance, insulin doesn’t work properly…

So, when you get the insulin working better, the blood sugar comes down through inexpensive basic techniques like a bit more exercise, some magnesium, some berberine, eating more protein and fats…

That can save a whole lot of money…

It is also going to get better outcome, because you’re going to reduce the complications of diabetes…

Sometimes you need the drugs as well, but you have to integrate that with nutrition medicine, then you won’t need to take big doses of it and be at such a high risk of side effects…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Yeah, that is one thing I believe too is you should go to the source of the problem instead treating symptoms of the problem…

I think that’s great advice…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“It also gives people the understanding that, oh, that doesn’t sound too hard…

There is so much confusion because emphasis is not right…”

Oliver Carlin:


Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“A lot of times they can reverse the disease and they won’t get the complications; they won’t get the kidney failure…

They just need the right direction…

The ‘Hunger Hormone’ (Leptin) Can Make You Hungry Even When Your Not

You got to get the hunger hormone down, you got to get the insulin down because it is the natural hormone…

You’ve got a hormone called leptin; you’ve got to get that one because that regulates hunger as well…

When the person has been overweight for a long time it tests the blood levels of leptin very high, so we’ve got to get that down and we got to get the brain listening to that hormone so that people have normal hunger…

People are overeating and they are eating too much carbohydrates in particular, so the leptin and insulin levels won’t come down…

So, all these hormones are very critical…

It takes time, it might take 2 or 3 months to achieve that, it’s a gradual process, but it works, it is based on science…

It makes it so much easier…

One way we can lower leptin are getting people to eat fruits and vegetables that particularly have purple and random blue pigments, like blueberries, beetroot, red cabbage…

Anything that is purple because that pigment contains compounds that are called polyphenols and they lower leptin…

They will help your weight loss a lot…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Most people may not even know what leptin is…

What exactly is leptin in our body?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Leptin is a hormone that’s made by your fat cells…

Its purpose is to regulate how much fat you store and how much you need to eat…

So, what we find is of people who have been overweight for the long time, the brain doesn’t hear the leptin signal…

So, the brain becomes resistant for the leptin…

They don’t really know when they should be hungry, they are always hungry…

This causes them to eat too often and too much…

It is supposed to be a hormone that is intended to keep us at a healthy weight…

But when eating the wrong foods or too much carbohydrates, and it would be over a long time, leptin stops working and it can’t regulate our weight anymore…

This is why it is important to eat the right types of foods and there is no drug that will bring down the leptin and to regulate leptin for many years…

You have to do it by eating foods that are high in this purple stuff or adding the powders that are high in purple stuff, like beet powder, purple cabbage…

These will actually help to lose weight…

Also keeping your liver healthy, because the liver breaks down hormones…

What we find in people that are overweight, they often have hormone imbalances, because they have got fatty liver and the liver is not breaking down excessive amounts of estrogen that is being produced in the fat, it is not regulating thyrotain or have a low leptin and it makes much harder to lose the weight…

So, it is not hard to regulate these hormones, insulin and leptin, we just have to change types of foods we are eating and we might need to take some supplements…

Not huge amounts, but there are the ones like berberine, magnesium, there might also be selenium, some iodine for the thyroid and we need healthy fats, because that helps our brain to communicate with the hormones…

Those are like coconut oil, coconut milk, avocados, they are the healthy fat for weight loss…

Eggs, nuts, seeds, tahini paste, it is high in healthy fats, it will help your liver, so you really need a different shopping list…

A lot of snack foods are very addictive, they will change the pathways in the brain to start craving these things and we need people understanding that these will change your pathways…”

Should You Eat Carbs When You are Obese?

Oliver Carlin:

“Do you think that glycemic index is something to pay attention to for people?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Well, the glycemic index shows the effect that different foods will have on person’s blood sugar…

So, if you eat sugar, then you have a really high glycemic index, it converts sugar in your blood…

If you had something like an avocado or an egg, they have low glycemic index, it won’t get turned into sugar at all…

I think it’s helpful for people, they can simply look at the glycemic index, but if you avoid grain instead of processed…

You don’t eat bread, you don’t eat pantry, you don’t eat muffins, you are not eating potato chips, you might be eating high glycemic index foods anyway and food packaging can be misleading so if I have a patient that has a really fatty liver, I tell them don’t eat rice, it has high glycemic index, don’t eat wheat, rye, barley, oats…

Don’t eat sugar…

Don’t eat brown grains and sugar and replace those foods with protein and healthy fats, fruits and vegetables…

If you’re really overweight, you’re not going to have too much fruits that have low glycemic index…

Those fruits would be citrus, passion fruit, kiwi fruit, apples but not apple juice, that is got a high glycemic index in it…

Don’t eat more then 2-3 pieces a day and if you eat more acidic fruits like lemon, it will help you to lose weight…

Anything naturally acidic will lower insulin and that will cause fat burn…

So, lemons, grapefruits, limes will help you lose weight, also organic apple cider vinegar to take it in middle of the meal, so acidic fruits are actually really good…”

Oliver Carlin:

“One thing you said was to cut out grains completely…

Now, what if someone is just eating whole grains that are really low on glycemic index…

Is that still bad for the liver or would it be okay if it was lower on the glycemic index?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“It would be better if it was lower but for someone who is very overweight…

Let’s say their body mass index is 40…

They’re obese, they have got really bad fatty liver…

You got to bring the carbohydrate level way down…

So, you are much better to go grain free until they get into the normal weight range…

Even on ketogenic diet it gives you 20 to 30 grams of carbohydrates a day…

So, you won’t be eating any fruits, you wont be eating any grains, you are only eating meat, eggs, fish, cheese, avocado and green vegetables…

It works, but you can’t do this forever, because you are going to miss out on the antioxidants in fruits and other kind of nutrients, but to get you started, it is very good…

There are lots of ways you can lose weight…

It’s persistence…

When losing weight some people like to look at the glycemic index and that is helpful, but to very overweight people don’t eat any grain just make sure you get natural foods that haven’t been hurt by men…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Yeah, I think it just would be better in general…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yeah, until you get some weight off…

You got to get it started, you got to get the insulin down…

If you going to choose any diet after about couple of days your insulin will be extremely low…

You will go into autofaging with cells operating down the organelles replacing them with new parts, it’s a self-maintaining process known as autofaging…

Which is very beneficial for cancer patients if they’ve got rapidly growing tumor and you will have keto chemicals in your urine, because you are using your fat energy, you are turning your fat into ketones and healthy cells can use that for energy and this is the way it works…

You see the amount of ketones in your urine with a Ketostis…

That is the only way you will get into the ketosis is to have 20-30 grams of carbohydrates a day, it is not very much, and it will take to 2-3 weeks and you can’t do it if you’re diabetic, that is too risky, but you can do it if you’re pre-diabetic…

Diabetic type 1 cannot do it at all, because it is very dangerous ketosis…

A Diet Will Never Allow You To Keep the Weight Off Permanently

I like to look at everyone as an individual…

We look at all factors, it is very important to prevent diabetes and check their thyroid, check mineral deficiencies, check their liver, check their mental state and if they are exposed to toxins, look at the type of bacteria they have in their gut…

It is easy to know that just by looking at the symptoms, you don’t need to have a whole lot of expensive testing, but if you have the money, you can do it…

You could have the parasite in your stomach that makes you crave sugar…

So, we need to look at all factors that are operating there in that individual…

No matter what diet you take, whether you choose ketogenic or paleo, intermittent fasting, liver cleansing, you have to be sure it’s all based on science and you just have to get the power to stay focused and motivated…

That’s very important…”

Oliver Carlin:

“I think that is a great point…

A lot of diets out there they all have really good aspects to them, but like you said the key is people get on and they can’t keep going on and then they just go back to normal and put all the weight back on and they got to find that balance…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“That’s right…

The stress will get in the way and they will get back to the old adaptive way of behaving that they are having with stress…

If you are overweight, you are a comfort eater…

So that means when your brain spikes your dopamine which is chemical of satisfaction and reward, we will need to learn to spike dopamine with other things…

So a bit of exercise, spending time with friends, meditation, eating protein…

It is so important to have an ongoing support…

You might just do it with a friend, get support for a friend, it’s very good…

Don’t try to do it alone and if you need you can read my book, ‘I Can’t Lose Weight and I Don’t Know Why’…

Read it regularly and it will motivate you…

But you only need reminding what is good for us…

We’ve got to love ourselves back to health, believe in ourselves, we’ve got to have good self-esteem…

We don’t want to shorten our lives by being overweight and becoming diabetic…

Particularly to remind everybody what self-care is, they look after everyone else, but they are neglecting themselves at the same time…

So, you got to keep that focus…”

Oliver Carlin:


We have covered a lot of really good information…

Just a couple more things I wanted to hit on, because I think they are really important…

One of them was that I know some people struggle with sleep…

Not Getting a Good Night Sleep Could Be Why You Are Fat

Do you think sleep is an important thing for the people who are trying to lose weight?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:


If you go to bed at night with too much food in your gut, particularly high-carb food, your wrong bacteria will cause a leaky gut…

It will cause leaky blood brain barrier and you’ll have poor quality sleep…

There’s one thing about sleep, you have to go to deep sleep…

When that occurs, they’ve done studies that show that the spaces between parts of the brain actually expands so that the fluid that regulates our brain can flow faster and more freely and pick up toxins…

So, when you sleep, you’re actually doing a brain detox and that helps your moods…

So, when you are not going to the deep sleep, you are not going to be mentally good…

It is very important to have a good sleep, melatonin can help, magnesium can help with sleep…

Don’t eat too late at night, don’t drink alcohol in excess, drink tea or water during the day so you won’t be dehydrated at night…

Also, go to bed in a relaxed state, try to do deep breathing for 5 minutes before you go to sleep…

Very important is sleep for shift workers, or for overweight people, so they really need to use techniques to improve their sleep…”

Oliver Carlin:

“What is it specifically?

I mean does it affects your metabolism or does it affect your hormones when you don’t get the deep sleep?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

Well it affects detoxification, your brain won’t detoxify itself so it will bring brain inflammation and therefore the brain won’t be able to respond correctly to the hunger hormones…

Also, when you go into a deep sleep, you’re restoring your adrenal gland…

Your adrenal gland makes adrenaline and cortisol…

So, with those hormones imbalanced, you’re going to be less inspired to exercise…

So, there are many reasons why poor sleep will cause weight gain…”

Oliver Carlin:

I see…

What Causes Belly Fat and How Do You Lose Weight in Your Stomach?

Another thing I get a lot of questions on is specifically belly fat…

People want to know specifically how to target belly fat…

Is there a specific reason why people would gain weight in their belly specifically and is there something they can do about it?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yes, there is…

When you’ve got weight mainly cumulating in the upper part of the body, the abdomen and around the thorax, that is due to insulin resistance, so that will increase the risk of diabetes greatly and you probably have a fatty liver as well…

Whereas if you’ve got the weight gain around your hips and thighs, as a woman you are in pear shape, that’s more to do with estrogen dominance and lack of testosterone…

So, abdominal fat is a sign that you’ve got a fatty liver and your insulin is too high and you could be pre-diabetic…

That often signals that there are a lot of fat inside your abdomen not just the internal wall but around the pancreas, around intestines, around the kidneys, inside the liver…

It is dangerous…

So, you can get that abdominal fat off by avoiding carbohydrates and helping your liver…”

Oliver Carlin:


It is all leading back to carbohydrates…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yeah, and liver…”

Oliver Carlin:

What Should People Do if They are ‘Purging’ to Lose Weight

“One thing people turn to a lot or it is definitely a serious issue, is like purging when people throw up in order to lose weight…

Have you ever dealt with those types of situations before?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“People take laxatives for purging…

That doesn’t work at all, because it is very temporary…

It’s much better to do safe, gentle, 15 day cleanse…

You’re only going to cause more inflammation in your gut by doing extreme detox…

That doesn’t work at all…

You may take things that reduce your appetite, you can take bitter melon, you can take Gymnema Sylvestre, there is a formula that reduces appetite, but they don’t purge, they just work on hunger hormones and insulin metabolism…

The extreme purging, where people take laxatives, is often indicating you have an eating disorder, such as bulimia or anorexia…

These things can be addressed by psychotherapy and working on people’s self-esteem…

This is all about self-esteem…

You’ve got to get people to believe in themselves and accept the way they are…

Who’s got perfect body?

I’ve seen you; you look really good…

Not many people are able to get to that level where they look like a lead athlete…

Some people might say, I am quite thin, I’ve always been thin, it’s my genetics…

We can’t change genes, but we can turn them off with the right diet…

I am close to 70 now and there are not that many people around me who look like lead athletes…

Key is to learn to make the best of what you’ve got with exercises…

I know that’s your theme, you teach people to be fit, so to exercise, otherwise when you lose weight and have weak muscles, you won’t be toned, but people strive for unrealistic goal…

You need to figure out what is realistic for you and need to work on that…

Typically, young people have very low self-esteem, they go to these extremes and it’s very dangerous…

They don’t get all the help they need…

I used to treat patients with anorexia, it is very hard to defeat and it’s very dangerous and a lot of these people die…

I heard that you had to use reverse psychology…

So, instead of telling them that they need to eat more, you tell them what they don’t need to eat so much and teach them healthy eating patterns that will actually help you to lose weight more…

That is what they want to hear and then it will change their mental impression, but these people are so out of touch of reality and who they really are that you have to use reverse psychology to save their life…

It’s so very important to get the person’s self-esteem to understand the person and when we might have problem with eating disorders we have gastric bypass, a very dangerous surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy surgery…

It would, some people have lost 100 pounds, it might save their life, unless they get their mental state back to the correct state of balance and happiness…

They can still put on a lot of weight if they eat chocolate and drink chocolate milkshakes and sugar through gastric sleeve…

We can treat the cause; we didn’t treat that person’s low self-esteem that they didn’t know how to satisfy themselves…”

Oliver Carlin:

“That is a really good point, I didn’t even think too much about it, but yes, you are right, treating the emotional state is the source of the problem…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yeah, it is really important and understanding how we can really motivate them…

You just never give up…

That persistence is very-very important…”

Oliver Carlin:

What to Do If Medications Are Causing You to Stay Overweight?

“One other thing that I see people struggling with, I’ve seen it on two separate occasions being a big deal, but where people were taking medication and they were really struggling to lose weight, but they couldn’t…

They came later and told me that they had found out that the medicine they were taking was actually causing them to be overweight…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“That is true…

If you are taking 4-5 different medications, then you are overworking your liver having to break down those medications…

There will be less energy left in the liver to burn fat…

So, these people are often taking cholesterol-lowering drug, an antihypertensive drug, an antidepressant, drugs to reduce stomach acid and their liver function is adversely impacted…

They put on weight…

So, if you improve the person’s diet you also solve a lot of problems also…

Their blood sugar comes down, stomach acid will normalize, the inflammation will go down and they won’t need these medications…

That doesn’t suit to the drug company’s philosophy…

If we have too many healthy people, they might not be able to sell us drugs…

It takes a lot of time to really help people…

You have to have that empathy, you have to have that compassion, passion and a lot of doctors are overworked, I’m not blaming the doctors…

That’s why the overeaters anonymous is so good, they are dealing with people’s psyche and they give people understanding…

When people are going to gym there is a holistic approach that is very important…

It’s a huge area and it’s not holistic enough…

I’ve had a website for 20 years called and we receive e-mails from all over the world…

A lot of time we can show them the right direction…

Because people get stuck and they go to different doctors and they have five different personal trainers and they are not really getting anywhere, but you really need the right advice to heal yourself and the right person to motivate you…

Even if you’ve been overweight for 20 years, you can still get the weight off…

What is really important is to focus on your health and your quality of life is not weighing yourself every day and being frustrated…

You have all of that in your headspace…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Also, the little victories, making a little bit of improvement here and celebrating little victories, like if you lose a pound in a week, that is a big deal…

You’ve been doing things right…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:


And you see that muscle improving, your strength improving and mental state, the clarity, energy…

That is more important then what you weight on the scales…

Even if you’ve had stomach surgery to reduce your stomach, but if you don’t address the other factors, you won’t be healthy, and you can put on a lot of weight…

We need to be continuingly nurturant by ourselves…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Those are really good points to make…

Could You Just Be Genetically Fat?

What about that some people think that they’re just genetically fat?

Their family is fat, their parents were fat…

Is that something?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“It can be a way, yeah…

It can be in their genes…

It is…

We have the genes that greatly influence the metabolism and to what areas people will put on the weight, but we can turn off those genes and turn on the good genes by diet, lifestyle and mental state and environment…

A person who has that gene is never going to be skinny…

I mean some people are really skinny…

That is genetic…

Unless you’ve got an eating disorder or certain disease or something…

Genes are very important…

People like to blame genes, like my mom is fat, my sister’s huge, but you can influence the genome that you’ve inherited…

I mean, how many people are going to have a perfect body, very few, but you’ve got to make the best of what you’ve got to exercise to really sculp your body and eating certain types of food you can change the shape of your body…

So, you optimize what you’ve inherited…”

Oliver Carlin:

“So just because genes could affect the way your body is going to handle weight and shape and all that, but you still have the power to affect improving it and making it the best that it can be…

You can still lose a lot of fat and still be healthy…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:


Anyone can lose weight…

The healthy weight is affecting long-lasting life and no matter what you do it is consistent to your way of life…

People will still put a lot of the weight back on if they don’t know how to eat to turn off the bad genes…

People who are insulin resistant, that’s the gene…

Then carbohydrates gets turned straight to fat or people who don’t have healthy thyroid, their energy gets turned straight into fat, they extra struggle…

So, genes are very important…

If you understand your type of metabolism, then you can avoid the foods that can turn into fat…

You don’t have to starve, even if you have the fat gene, you don’t need to be hungry…

Also, the supplements, you’ve got the berberine, you’ve got magnesium, selenium, iodine…

Minerals are very important…

Your body needs minerals to regulate engines…

The selenium has huge impact on our genes, it repairs gene damage and it can regulate and improve the thyroid functions and that is going to influence your weight…

So, you always have positive mentality…

It is wonderful today that we’ve got all the evidence, we’ve got all the studies to show that we can influence our bad genes ourselves…

We are a lot more powerful than we think…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Yeah, it is all like you said in the beginning that it’s about what you believe…

I went through this government ran program in the United States for the military to lose weight and there was this 8-week course…

During that course they did focus on a lot of eating healthy and types of foods that are important…

They didn’t go into the detail that you just went to and explained why would have made a lot more sense, but their main focus during that course was energy in versus energy out…

The amount of food that you eat compared the amount of energy you burn throughout the day…

That was literally the main focus the entire 8 weeks was that if you eat less than your body uses then at the end of the week, you’re going to lose weight…

What are your thoughts on that?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Well, there is truth in that but if you eat an avocado, there is quite a lot of calories in there, because of fat, but because it won’t elevate insulin, you won’t turn it into fat, you use it for energy…

If you eat equivalent calories in bread or cake, that will elevate your insulin and insulin will turn that bunch into fat…

It’s not as simple as calories in vs calories out…

This is why people struggle, because if they have got problems with their genes or they have nutritional deficiencies and it affects hormone function or they are overloaded with toxins, they will struggle with their weight quite a lot…

You can take many people and put them all on exactly the same amount of calories in a day but their weight loss won’t be the same because of the individual metabolism and their nutritional status…

Oliver Carlin:

“I 100% agree with you…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“It’s good to keep things simple and it works on a lot of people, but we are talking about the problems that emerge and people give up and they go to people like you or me, looking and they know something is missing…

They are trying really hard and they could be losing weight, but they are not…

So, we see jigsaw puzzle that we got to find missing pieces…”

Oliver Carlin:

“I remember this one girl…

She told me that she can’t take in any less calories because she was already down to 1,000 calories a day, but she couldn’t lose any more weight, she wasn’t keeping the weight off and I think that falls into exactly what you were saying…

She decreased it to a point where she couldn’t take any less calories but she didn’t lose any weight…

It had to be some other issues you were talking about…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Yes, that’s true…

It is fascinating subject and perhaps we can talk about it some other time, but I think we have probably given people so much information, but we still can have another time and look more into depth…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Yes, that we definitely could…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Also, to break things down a bit and maybe people will come back with some questions that we can explore the answers for…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Absolutely and I will definitely take you up on that and hit you up on another time…

I know we ran out of time today…

We definitely overloaded everyone with information, but I do want to thank you for such great info and interview…

I am sure all the people who are struggling with weight in our audience learned a ton from all this information about medical conditions and that there is just so much more into it than is on the surface really…

Thank you for sharing your expertise and experience so graciously…

Do you have any closing remarks that you want to share with the audience before we close the interview?”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

Get More Information About Losing Weight

“Just if people have many questions, they can go to and e-mail us…

They can send in any questions to Oliver and Oliver can pick out some questions that he would like to explore with me…

Looking forward to talking to you again…”

Oliver Carlin:


Next time we talk, I want to get your story, because I am sure that all your experience, the audience would benefit a lot knowing your backstory and how you got to where you are now…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“That is some funny story…

I definitely would like to have a copy of this interview too, Oliver…”

Oliver Carlin:


Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“It’s good to talk to someone your age and you look fantastic…

It’s quite funny, I shouldn’t be cheesy but some of my staff received your e-mail and said “Oh, this guy called Oliver, he wants to do an interview with you”…

And I looked at the picture and I said “Sure” and a young, handsome, a good-looking man like that, I don’t get many interviews like this…

You are an inspiration, you look great…

I am sure that you are helping a lot of people…”

Oliver Carlin:

“Thank you so much for that Dr. Cabot, I appreciate the compliment…

I do work hard at that…”

Dr. Sandra Cabot:

“Well I will try to look more fitter, like you…

Get some inspiration from you to do more weights…”

Oliver Carlin:


Thank you again Dr. Cabot for sharing with us and thank you to everyone who are listening in our audience and joined us for this amazing interview with one of the top weight loss experts around today…

Again, I am Oliver Carlin…

Thank you for joining us on Internalize Weight Loss podcast and again I highly recommend that you check out Dr- Cabot’s website as she mentioned earlier for more amazing content on losing weight and all those medical conditions she brought up during this interview…

She has written a ton of books that you can benefit from…

I highly recommend you pick those up and read those as well…

And if you want to see how to Internalize Weight Loss so you never need another diet program again, check out my course here:

Internalize Weight Loss Course

Other than that, thank you again and have a great day…
