Fat Get Fatter & the Skinny Stay Skinny

The Secret of Why The Fat Get Fatter and the Skinny Stay Skinny

Have you ever noticed that skinny people are always skinny and then fat people seem like they always get fatter?

Tell me I’m wrong!

Why is it that the skinny person, who all off a sudden starts to get fat, keeps getting fatter and fatter?

It’s not that you just put on a little chub…

It’s like when chub starts coming, it keeps on coming…

People like to blame it on other things, like “I’ve got a hormonal imbalance in my thyroid” or “I’m just genetically a fat person” or “everyone in my family is fat”…

Sorry to say, you’re not going to be able to hide behind that anymore…

Not after today…

Beautiful Girl Gains a Ton of Fat Overnight

I’m going to tell you a little story…

When I was young, and I was a kid and I was growing up…

I remember this one girl…

I grew up in Foothills of northern California…

There were a lot of cowboys…

A lot of land and not too many neighbors around…

I walked to school…

I walked to elementary school and I walked to middle school…

Middle school was like 2 miles and it was in the country…

That’s where I grew up and I remember this one girl…

She was really attractive with a very nice body build…

Low body fat percentage, she was lean, and we were friends …

As she got older and time went on, she got pregnant when she was 19 and then she put on a lot of body fat…

She became very big…

At the time I thought, “well she is just pregnant”…

When she had the kid, the body fat stayed there…

She never lost the body fat… It wouldn’t come off…

I was thinking, “why is that?”…

It wasn’t that she was eating differently than she was before…

But this fat was sticking around, and she was actually getting fatter…

Why is that?

It was confusing…

I was thinking that maybe her thyroid is jacked up or her metabolism is slowed down… Maybe it’s just the way she is…

It happened overnight and now she was very large and it’s not coming off…

I want you to think about this for a second…

I’m sure it’s a common story…

I hear about that a lot…

No one was born really fat…

Babies are all about same size…

Some of us got fatter younger, I get that…

But a lot of people started out at a decent body fat percentage throughout school and then as they got older, they put on this body fat…

I had this question today…

Why is it as I get older, I put on body fat more easily?

Some people might blame it behind their age…

When I was young, I looked good but when I got older I didn’t, I got a lot of fat, but then I got fatter and fatter…

It made me think…

I wonder if there is a link…

There’s got to be something else there, because this girl I knew, why would she still be overweight?

I wondered if there is something else that’s causing this person to keep the fat on, because they used to look lean and they used to look good…

I wondered if there is a link between all this extra body fat that is causing her to keep the body fat…

Bodybuilders Get All the Good Information on Weight Loss

I got into nutrition and body building later on in my life…

It was actually a few years ago now, when I was going through a body building course…

This is just another one of those things, where I feel like that people who are overweight that aren’t in body building, they don’t get a lot of the good information…

Bodybuilders get all the good information… Which is why I didn’t want to help bodybuilders…

They get all the good information…

I wanted to transfer (or remove) this gap between the ‘bodybuilding world’ and ‘normal overweight people’…

Because ‘normal overweight people’ are missing out on a lot of amazing information…

I was going through this bodybuilding course…

One of the big things for bodybuilders is testosterone, it’s a really big deal…

If you know anything about bodybuilding (or even if you don’t), you’ve probably heard of steroids and how bodybuilders shoot up steroids…

What are steroids?

It is just testosterone at extremely high levels…

Let’s just say, if you’re body maintains like level 5 normally then a level 6 would already be a dramatic increase…

Bodybuilders would take it to level 50 with injections, it’s an insane amount of testosterone…

That’s what helps them to build enormous muscles…

In the bodybuilding world there’s always this talk of testosterone and how to build more testosterone naturally…

Testosterone is very well researched in bodybuilding world…

I was looking up some clinical studies on bodybuilding and testosterone…

I wondered if testosterone has anything to do with fat loss…

So, I found this clinical study…

It was research done on 400 obese men who they evaluated over a 6-year period that had low testosterone…

Then they put them on Testosterone Replacement Therapy and the body fat started to go down and it continued to go down significantly over those 6 years…

They didn’t change anything else in their life…

They just had more testosterone and their body fat percentage went down…

So, it was proven…

Testosterone Lowers Body Fat Naturally in Men and Women

It has been proven in other sources as well that testosterone is linked to body fat…

Just by having more testosterone in your body you naturally burn more body fat…

True! Proven!

Women might think that they don’t care about testosterone, because they are women…

Women have testosterone too…

Sorry to say, but you do…

Same as men have estrogen…

Don’t think you’re special just because you are a woman, you just have less of it…

Like men have less estrogen then women…

We are both human and have the same chemicals…

The reason that we build muscle and burn body fat is the same thing…

Why do you think that women have naturally more body fat than men?

I’m in the Navy…

When I measure women’s body fat and when I measure men’s body fat, women are allowed a lot more body fat than men…


Why would a woman be allowed more body fat than a man?

Aren’t we all equal in the Navy?

It’s because women’s and men’s bodies are different…

Why are they different?

Men have more testosterone and women have more estrogen…

After doing some research I found that estrogen is produced through a women’s ovaries…

That’s not a surprise, we know that…

But it’s also produced through body fat…

No shit!

What does that mean?

Inside of body fat, there is a thing called aromatase…

You don’t need to understand it too much, just bear with me…

Aromatase is inside body fat…

What it does is that it takes androgen and turns it into estrogen…

Androgen is testosterone…

Basically, body fat convert testosterone into estrogen…

That means the more body fat you have, your body is producing more estrogen and lowering your testosterone…

Women have testosterone…

Why do you think those women who shoot up steroids, look like men?

Women can still look good and still be lean…

You’re not going to be as lean as men…

For example, I’m 7% of body fat…

A woman naturally is around 15% body fat…

That is low for a woman, very low…

Whereas 7% is low for a man…

What I’m trying to explain is that you have testosterone…

A big part of Testosterone is responsible for lowering your body fat percentage…

When the Fat Start Coming, It Just Keeps on Coming

Now, what does this mean?

It’s like a snowball…

Think of a snowball rolling down a hill…

As it rolls down the hill, it gathers more and more snow and gets bigger and bigger as it gets down on the bottom of the mountain…

This is also what is happening with your body fat…

Every pound of body fat that you’re adding to your body, then you are producing this thing in your body that is producing more body fat…

As you get more body fat you are enabling your body to get more and more body fat…

As you get more, your body gets easier to produce more and more…

It is like a spiral or out of control cycle, crazy thing that is going on inside your body…

Once it starts, you’re screwed…

In the bodybuilding world don’t ever get your body fat get above 15%…

That is maximum…

After that estrogen gets out of control…

Once aromatase starts to get out of control, your testosterone drops dramatically and it’s really hard to recover and get back on track from that…

That’s when it hit me…

This is what happened to my friend!

She put on all this extra body fat, a ton of it when she got pregnant…

Now her body is not producing any testosterone at all, well it is but her new body that she has created is taking testosterone and just demolishing it into estrogen…

So basically, her body is not producing testosterone essentially, which was causing her to look good and have that lean body when she was younger…

How about that!

Blows your mind…

That is insane to me!

Skinny People Stay Skinny

So why do skinny people stay skinny?

It’s the exact opposite…

We’re loaded with almost zero body fat…

Why do you think I like staying 7% of body fat?

Because my body is primed for fat loss…

It’s so easy!

Here’s what I want you to know…

If you’re in this situation and you’ve got a lot of excess body fat…

Just understand, imagine that you’ve got this big boulder sitting in front of you…

You are trying to push this boulder, to move it, and it’s not budging…

What is cool about the boulder is once you finally get it rolling, it starts rolling, and it’s easier to keep it rolling…

As it builds up momentum, it gets even easier…

It starts eventually rolling smoothly and you’re barely putting any effort in to keep it going…

But that initial push takes a lot of effort to get that boulder actually starting to move…

If you go over to my website and sign up for the waiting list for the Internalize Weight Loss course that is coming out really soon, I’m going to help you get that boulder rolling…

I’m going to make sure that boulder gets rolling for you in the right way and with least amount of effort…

I will be there to help you…

If you’re really overweight, you will finally get the body of your dreams…

You’re finally going to get all that body fat off and it’s going to be easier and it’s going to get easier and easier as the fat starts coming off…

You can stop blaming yourself…

Stop feeling like you’re a failure, like there is something wrong with you or you’ve got some kind of problem, because the fat is not coming off…


You’re just taking advice from people who aren’t in your situation…

They don’t have all that extra body fat…

So, they’ve never had to get that boulder moving in the right direction…

That is why you haven’t been able to really find your success yet…

If you get on this course, get on this 8-week journey with me, then we will get you there!


If you thought this was useful, please share it!

I will appreciate that, and I hope someone else can benefit from that as well…

Other than that, take care, have a great day and I’ll see you soon…
