Know how to lose weight but dont

You Know How to Lose Weight but You Still Don’t Do It

Do you know what to do to lose weight, but you still don’t do it, even though you need to?

If so, then you need to read this…

We Know What We Need to Do to Lose Weight, But Not Doing It

So, what do you do?

You know you need to lose weight, you know how to lose weight, but you still don’t do it…

What is going on? Why not?

I thought of this whole topic because I was actually on the phone with my dad yesterday…

We were talking about somebody who’s having issues with their health, with their body and joints…

So, I brought it up and said “I understand you’re trying to get medicine” …

She is trying to find stuff to treat these things, trying to find a supplement out there to treat the joint pain…

You’re trying to find stuff to lower your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol…

You’re trying to find all these medicines, you’re trying to get insulin for your diabetes, you’re trying to find all these things to treat the symptoms of one thing and that is excess body fat…

I brought it up and said:

“Look, you can avoid all that headache, all that medicine, all these crazy things that has got all these side effects and you could just lose the weight that is causing all this…

The source of all your health concerns is the excess body fat that is on your body right now…

If you were to lose all that than those things would go away…”

So, my dad says “Yeah, yeah… She knows that…”

So, she knows that, but she is still not doing it…

What is going on?

She is prone to read all these things, she is willing to buy all these medicines and supplements, but she knows she still needs to lose the weight and she still isn’t doing it…

Wait a minute!

She knows she needs to do this, but she’s still not doing it…

So, I asked more questions, I said “Let me ask you this, it can’t be that hard”

I started giving tips, like all she has to do is maybe stop eating carbohydrates, like the ketogenic diet (the big fad right now)…

Maybe start to move more and we can get the body fat off to eliminate those things…

Again, I got the same answer “Yeah, she knows she needs to do that. She knows she needs to eat less, she knows she needs to eat healthier, she knows she needs to work out and move more, she knows she is too sedentary…”

I was thinking…

Hold up!

So, she knows what to do but she’s still not doing it…

It got me thinking that I bet there’s a lot of people that are in the same situation and they just don’t do it…

There Is A Lot More to Losing Weight…

I thought maybe it is similar to golf swing…

If I was to tell you (you’ve never golfed, maybe you have, maybe you haven’t, but let’s pretend you’ve never golfed) it’s simple game…

Here is a golf club, go ahead and hold it in your hand…

We are at the driving range…

Drop the ball on the ground…

Look, I want you to look over there, see that flag over there…

I want you to stand next to the ball and just bring the club back behind you…

Shift your body weight back and swing it back through…

Swing your body weight forward, keep your head down and hit that ball towards that flag…

That was it!

Later on, you ask the person, I can show you how to hit golf, because they don’t just play golf…

I can teach you how to swing, there is certain ways…

And the person is like, yeah, I know that, I know how to swing a golf club…

I think it’s similar to that in the sense that you know a tiny amount about how to lose weight…

The most simplest things… which is I need to diet and exercise…

I need to eat healthy and move more…

This little bit of how to lose weight…

But you know how to do it…

That is why you’re not doing it…

That’d be the same thing as me trying to swing the golf club because someone told me to bring it back and bring it through and I hit the ball 3 feet in front of me or missed the ball all together…

Because there is way more to the golf swing than that…

When I was learning to play the golf, it took me like 2 years of going to the driving range every day after work for hours until it got dark at night, before I was finally able to swing and play a really good round of golf…

It took me that long…

Yes, all I do is bring the golf club back and shift my weight forward and hit the ball and it goes 300 yards where I wanted it to go, but do you think it’s that easy?

Do you think it was really that easy for me to go out there and just do that?

Hell no!

It took me 2 years of practicing every day…

Training my body to do the right things…

Trying to change my subconscious that wants to just do some whacked out crap to finally being able to hit the golf and make my body do the right stroke and be able to hit the ball correctly…

It took a lot of work…

It took a lot of practice…

It took people who knew how to do it to tell me how to do it…

When people tell me and I try to tell them how to lose weight and I want to help, but they just tell me that yeah…yeah, I know that…


You don’t know anything…

You think you know, and you think it’s as easy as ‘let me just go diet and exercise’ but it’s not…

So, what do they do?

It is more complicated than that, but what do we do about it?

What does this person do?

She is stuck over here in a world where she thinks she knows what to do but, in her mind, maybe she just doesn’t want to do it…

Maybe she doesn’t really understand how to do it…

Maybe she has tried before and failed and thinks it doesn’t work for her…

Maybe she thinks she has got a genetic problem that won’t allow her to do it…

Maybe she has got all these things going on that is stopping her from doing it, a lot of false beliefs…

Maybe she doesn’t have the right guidance…

She never had someone to give her the right guidance to make it work…

There are a lot of things that can come into place for a lot of people…

It’s probably different for everybody…

If there was a way, a simple easy way for her to figure it out and to just do it and realize, it’s not hard, it is easy…

It is not complicated…

It is only complicated by people who don’t understand it…

When you find somebody that understand something very well, it is never hard for them…

It always looks effortless, because they know it, they understand it…

Think about it like this, when you were a kid and you had to learn the ABC’s…

If I just went up to you and said what the letters of the alphabet are you would be like, I know that, but you never got it…

Why did we go to school for 12 years to learn things?

Because it is not that easy…

It took 12 years to learn basic things in life, reading, writing and arithmetic…

Why do you think that anything else would just be simple?

Seek Support with Losing Weight! You Are Not Alone in This…

Here’s the thing…

You can do it!

I don’t care what situation you’re in, what medical conditions you have preventing from doing anything, it does not matter…

This is what you need…

This is probably what 95% of the people are going to need…

The other 5% that are super self-motivated, that are going to just get it done regardless, this aren’t for you…

But for the other 95% that are struggling in this position, here what you’ve got to do…

This is what I’ve learned throughout my time in watching people and helping people and doing it myself…

First thing you need is a support group…

Just like when you were going to a class and there were people there who were going through the topic with you, you were able to talk through the problems together…

It is no different…

We are social people, we communicate, that is how we learn…

You need a social community that you communicate with…

People that are going through same thing that you are, so you can actually work through the problems together with somebody…

So, you are not alone…

There are a lot of people out there who are going through the same problem as you…

You are not alone!

You need to find these people and you need to go through this process with them…

Bigger thing you’re going to need is a leader, you’re going to need a plan that you can follow and that is simple, that is not complicated, that is not giving you a bunch of shit…

If we’re to go to algebra class (and we never been to algebra) and the teacher just said, here is the book, good luck or in one day he says ‘here is everything you need to know for the entire year’…

That doesn’t help you…

That is not how you learn…

You need simple…

When you went to algebra, teacher didn’t talk about everything you’re going to do first day in class…

He focused on one thing, what is 2+2?

It’s 4…

Okay great, next day we’re going to learn what 3+3 is…

You’ve got to take it day by day, that is how we learn…

I know everybody wants it right now…

Nothing happened right now…

You didn’t learn to walk in a day…

How long did it take you to learn to walk, when you were a kid?

Probably at least a few months, you were falling every second…

My kid was and he kept falling all the time…

Until finally he got it…

Got to Learn to Walk Before You Can Run (Same for Weight Loss)

We take these things for granted but it took a while to learn…

You need a simple, easy to follow plan that can get you from where you are to where you want to be…

It is a process; it is not something that is going to happen in a day…

You didn’t become obese in a day…

It took time to get where you at, so it’s going to take time to get it off…

The problem is, you can’t go at it alone…

You need a plan and you need someone you can trust that can get you to where you need to be…

You’re going to have a lot of problems along the way…

There is going to be a lot of self-doubt, you’re going to have failures, you’re going to have false beliefs about the way things are but they are really not…

Everything is going to come down to the 6 inches between your ears, because tons of people have lost weight that are overweight that are in worse situations than you…

They were able to do it…


They’re not special…

They don’t have some magic gift…

They’ve got the same resources and the same tools available that you do…

It is all about the 6 inches between your ears…

You’ve got to want it…

I can’t want it for you, you’re going to have to want it…

That is the first step is that you’ve got to want it…

Think about the stuff that you have in your life that is causing you problems…

Maybe things you just grown used to…

This is not the way life is…

You don’t have to deal with the joint pain…

You don’t have to deal with the high blood pressure…

You don’t have to deal with the high cholesterol…

You don’t have to deal with the clogged arteries…

You don’t have to deal with the triple bypass surgery, because you’re going to have a heart attack…

You don’t have to worry about dying before your time and not see your kids grow up and enjoy their life…

You don’t have to worry about dying and not enjoying the rest of your life…

You don’t have to live sedentary and be embarrassed to go in public…

You can go out, you can enjoy your life, there are ton of things out there that are available to you, that are available to everybody, you just have to take the first step…

Decide that you want this…

There are so many upsides…

You are willing to go buy supplements to treat the symptoms of your problem, so you don’t want the problems…

That is why you’re treating the symptoms…

Treat the Cause of Your Health Problems, Not the Symptoms

Don’t lie to yourself!

Don’t try to come up with false things to try to lie to yourself and lie to other people, it doesn’t matter…

The only real thing that you need to think about is what is the best thing for you…

Stop wasting your time treating the symptoms of your problem and attack the source…

I want this for you, but I can’t do it for you…

You have to take the step to get there…

I am focusing on this because the only thing holding you back is you… the 6 inches between your ears…

I have got the course for you…

I’ve got a step-by-step process that you go through…

You’re not going to be on some crazy diet…

A crazy diet is never going to get you where you want to be permanently…

The Ketogenic diet is a temporary solution…

If you want to do it to lose weight, that is fine, but you’re learning things in that diet plan that you cannot use for the rest of your life, because it is not permanent…

No one is ever going to stay on that diet forever…

It doesn’t make sense to limit a food group from your life forever…

Who would do that anyway?

If you want to do it to just help you get down, because you’re so far obese, then do what you’ve got to do…

But what I teach and my course teaches is how to implement it into your life, eat whatever you want, eat naturally…

I know that it’s a overthrown out claim that no one believes, but it’s true…

I eat whatever the hell I want and it is not because I’ve got a genetically high metabolism, it has nothing to do with that…

It just has to do with that I understand it, just like I can and hit a 300 yard drive straight down the fairway, because it took me time to learn how to do that…

It is the same reason I can eat whatever I want and be 5% body fat…

It is the reason I can have a really good-looking body and be healthy, have perfect blood pressure, have great cholesterol, have no joint pain and enjoy my life…

It is not some magical thing…

I am not genetically built to be that way…

I just have learned how to do it…

The course, I’ve designed, is to teach you that as well, is to take you by the hand walk you down the path slowly and within 8 weeks you’ve got it…

You never have to go on another diet plan, and it is not like that you’re going to stick with what I am telling you forever…

The course is designed to basically reprogram your brain in a fun way, in a way that you enjoy, so after 8 weeks you don’t even think about it anymore…

You just do it and you eat the food you love, you enjoy everything…

You enjoy your life…

You just got to fine tune a few things in your brain, get your belief system right, so you can understand that it isn’t really hard…

This has never been hard…

I’ve had all these false beliefs throughout my whole life about losing weight and I’ve been lied to…

I’ve seen all these crazy ads and a lot of these adds are just bullshit, like the one I just saw the other day…

They even had headline CNN covered a story how Apple Cider Vinegar and a Special Pill boost your resting metabolism 130% and all these before and after pictures…

That article doesn’t exist on CNN, I looked everywhere for that article and it is not out there…

It is bullshit!

You Are the Solution to Your Health and Weight Problems

Don’t fall for all these crazy stuff…

People are always trying to sell you some magic pill that is going to solve all your problems…

That is not going to help you…

Seriously, quit looking for that and waiting for that…

Surgery is not going to help you…

There is only one thing that can help you and that is 6 inches between your brain…

Just like you went to school for 12 years to learn basic things…

I am asking you to go to 8 weeks to change your body for the rest of your life…

We’re going to have the support group…

We’re going to have people that are going through it just like you…

You’re going to have a coach…

Everything that you ever need to have success I am giving to you…

I am laying it all to you on a platter and all you have to do is take it from me…

Head over to my website

You will get the body of your dreams, you will get all your health problems taken care of, you can enjoy your life but not only that…

You’re going to learn…

You’re going to transform your mind…

You’re going to see things differently…

You’re going to understand yourself better…

You’re going to realize all the false beliefs that you’ve had this whole time that were never true…

I really want it for you, I hope you can see that…

This is why I get a spun up on this stuff because I really want you to take action, I want you to have these things because it’s so easy once you get it…

I hope you enjoyed this post…

I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide…

I hope you get the body of your dreams; I hope you see how easy these things are really are…

Stay tuned!
