You Will NEVER Lose Weight for Long Term When You Diet

You Will NEVER Lose Weight Long Term When You Diet…Here’s Why…

That’s the honest truth – you are never going to lose weight when you diet…

It may sound weird, but it’s true, and I’m going to show you why…

When you look at the diet industry, when you’re trying to lose weight…

Go on and Google it right now, you will see that there are ton of weight loss options out there…

It’s confusing, everything will tell you to do something different and none of it works…

Sure, that 5% will make something work for a while, but are you going to follow it the rest of your life?

Can you say that for example two years from now you’re still on the same diet, doing it and still keeping the weight off?

It’s hard to tell!

I could lose weight in a month or two but then six months down the road I’d gain all of it back and then some…

So, you can’t really trust the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures in a lot of these things…

Professional Bodybuilder Who Was Put on A Very Strict Diet

Let me tell you a story…

I was in a CFL seminar – CFL is Command Fitness Leader in the Navy and that’s basically a personal trainer to help people lose weight in the military, but we focused mostly on the fitness side, the physical portion and not really on the nutrition side…

I was in Guam at the time…

I was renewing my annual certification for being the Command Fitness Leader…

I was in a gym in Guam…

It was a really nice gym, a new one…

When you walk in, it’s a big open room, high ceilings and the counter is on the right…

You walk in and immediately after the counter you turn right and go down the hallway…

You pass by the racquetball courts and finally reach to the classrooms at the end…

On the left there was one classroom, you turn down and that’s where we were doing the seminar…

It’s a semi-big room, there were only handful of us, maybe 4-5 people…

The lady that was overall in charge of fitness for the entire Navy was giving the seminar…

It was actually very cool to meet her…

I never even knew who she was before that…

She knew a lot…

She had blonde hair, she was a very fit lady, not very tall, maybe 5 ft 8’’ or 5 ft 9’’…

So, she was speaking in front of the seminar…

She was telling us a story that she used to be a bodybuilder professionally, competing wise…

She told her story to us in the class and she was saying how she was building up for a competition…

She had been lifting weights, but she was at a point of her bodybuilding schedule where it was time to cut down the body fat…

If you know anything about bodybuilding, then you know that when you first start bodybuilding, they want you to bulk up, which means you got to eat a lot of food in this weird idea that if I’ll eat surplus in calories, I’m going to build muscle and that is the only way to build muscle…

But you end up gaining a lot of fat as well…

So, you build muscle and fat, and then you have to cut the fat off later…

It’s quite crazy thing…

She was at the point where she had already bulked and it was time to cut down now…

That meant she was on a major deficit in calories and this was going on like that for weeks and weeks…

She was also on a very strict diet that her trainer had her on…

She could eat only chicken and vegetables, also lot of broccoli…

That was her diet…

Poor lady! She said that it was really hard…

She was eating this low calorie diet, the same bland food over and over again with no taste…

Then one day, it was around Easter, when she comes home from the gym and she has kids…

Sure enough, on the table is a basket full of candy and chocolate…

As she saw that basket of stuff…

She had been craving something tasteful for so long…

She couldn’t take it! It just overwhelmed her and she just broke down…

This is what someone would call ‘falling off the wagon’…

She grabbed that basket of food, she was sitting cross-legged on the floor with that basked between her legs and she was just tearing this chocolate up…

She devoured the entire basket of chocolate…

Chocolate was all over her face…

As she finished the chocolate she was thinking “Oh no! What did I do?”…

“All this hard work and I just screwed it all up”…

She said she went back to see her trainer the next day…

She didn’t even tell the trainer, what had happened…

The trainer looked at her, looked at her stomach, looked at her again and said “what did you do?”…

Reason I pointed out that story is to make you think about this…

Try to understand, what had happened…

Diet Plans Only Work Temporarily

This is the same idea, the same concept of every diet plan that I’ve seen on the mass market being sold right now, advertised for people to lose weight…

There’s something along these lines…

None of them are exactly the same, but they all have the same dumb principle, what this routine had…

She was deprived of the food that she wanted to eat for weeks and weeks…

What happened?

She fell off the wagon…

It’s the same thing that happens to 95% of the people on any of these diets, they fall off the wagon and gain all of their weight back and then some…

It’s just like an alcoholic, who stops cold turkey drinking alcohol and that’s where the phrase ‘fall off the wagon’ comes from…

It’s the same thing…

If you starve your body for something that you want to have long enough, eventually you’re going to fall off the wagon…

It’s just human nature…

It’s just the way it is…

So, what is the answer?

All these diet plans out there like the ketogenic diet, which is basically forbidding to eat any carbs other than vegetables…

Or the low fat diet which is opposite of ketogenic diet, which lets you eat very little fat and only carbs and protein…

Or the extremely low calorie diet, that lets you almost starve and lose a lot of weight that way…

Energy In Vs Energy Out Is the Key

Calories in versus calories out is the key to losing weight…

If you’re losing weight and we know that the key to losing weight is to go on deficit in calories…

That’s the only real way to lose weight…

That’s the only reason any of these diets work, because you got a deficit in calories…

So, we know that’s the answer…

Then if we starve ourselves, we will lose weight fast essentially…

That’s true! If I don’t eat anything and I completely starve myself for the next month, then I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose a lot of weight…

But let me ask you this…

Is that any different than the lady who just deprived herself, fell off the wagon and gained all the weight back?

No! It doesn’t matter…

Don’t follow any of these extreme methods to losing weight, because it doesn’t work…

It may have quick results, short-term results, but this is not what you need…

What you need is to lose weight long-term…

You need a sustainable plan that’s going to allow you to lose weight…

That is the key!

I know you want a fast fix…

I know you want something that is just going to take the weight off immediately fast…

Unless you’re starving yourself, there is no way to get the weight off quickly…

Even if you did, it’s not sustainable…

So why do it?

Choose the Weight Loss Plan That Actually Works

The plan that you should have should be sustainable…

The problem is how to find the right plan…

How do you know, which plan out there is good and which plan is actually going to teach you what you need to know?

How the heck would you know that?

There’s so many different options out there…

That’s why I am creating an 8 week course to follow, that is going to cover everything about weight loss…

It’s not going to turn you into dietary nutritionist…

It’s just going to explain to you in very simple terms how you actually lose weight…

The actual way that it works…

So that you wouldn’t waste your time on some crazy diet that’s never going to give you long-term results…

I want you to understand how it works…

In order for you to see what I see and stop wasting your time on all this nonsense…

That’s what I want for you…

I want you to lose the weight long-term and keep it off permanently…

Then you never need another diet…

You never need to Google weight loss again because you have it down…

That’s what I want for you…

Go ahead and head over to my website right now…

Put in your e-mail address…

Go on the waiting list…

It’s coming out really soon…

This will be the last diet program or non-diet program that you ever going to need…

You will be able to live that lifestyle of not stressing yourself out to lose weight and just enjoy your life…

Eat what you want…

There’s never depriving yourself of anything, you can eat whatever you like if you follow what I tell you to do…

You don’t have to be stressed out because of eating…

It’s so easy!

It’s not complicated…

The answer is not starving yourself from any type of specific food, ever…

Check it out at

Take care!
