fitness nut enrolled in weight loss course

Why A ‘Fitness Nut’ Enrolled Himself In An 8-Week Government Ran Weight Loss Program…

​I want to tell you more about why a ‘Fitness Nut’ enroll in an 8-week government weight loss program…

Back in Guam I Was A Personal Trainer for The Navy

I remember being back in Guam, I was stationed there…

I was a CFL, which stands for Command Fitness Leader, basically I was a personal trainer for the Navy…

I had bunch of people, who had failed the PRT, which in the Navy is like a fitness test, PFA would be fitness assessment…

It’s to test if people are overweight or whether they can run under a certain time…

99% of the people who showed up in the program had failed because of the weight portion, they had too much body fat…

I’ve been working with these people and seeing them…

I remember trying to help them…

It wasn’t so easy to do…

I remember one specific time when it was time for the official weigh-ins and they had been on my program for about 2 or 3 months now and they hadn’t made a lot of progress…

These guys were basically the same body fat percentage that they were prior to joining my program, which didn’t make me feel good…

But I was a personal trainer back then and I thought: “I don’t deal with the nutrition side”…

“I only deal with the fitness side”…

Nutrition is on them, so it’s their fault…

As a trainer I was kind of hiding behind that back then, because I didn’t have any control over their nutrition…

We set up the scale in a room, it was in the gym…

It was a long passageway to the actual entrance of the room…

We had long line of people lined up for the command out there…

They were coming into the room one at a time…

We had these old scales, where you have to slide the bar, it took forever…

The digital scales would be more accurate…

Anyway, we were using these old school scales and weighing people in…

I remember this one guy who came in and he was one of the ones I was worried about because he hadn’t made much progress…

He looked like his eye sockets were sucked in, his face was sucked in around his eye sockets…

He was still really overweight, but it looked like he had been through hell…

He looked like, if I had just lightly pushed him with my finger, he would fall over…

I felt horrible seeing what those guys are putting themselves through to lose weight…

I understand the reason why – his career was on the line, he could not fail, because if he fails, they would kick him out of the Navy…

He got on the scale, he looked nervous and ended up still failing the PRT…

It went down as a failure…

I was talking to the poor guy afterwards and I was trying to find out what he had done…

He had just starved himself for about two weeks prior to and didn’t even drink any water for about a week…

He sat in the sauna for about 4 hours before he actually went into that weighing, which technically he wasn’t supposed to do…

Not to mention health risks of doing that…

Those are dramatic things that those guys were doing…

I was thinking that there has got to be a better way to help these guys when they go into this program, which was useless up to this point…

We couldn’t even get these guys in shape…

We did continue to hide behind the fact that we didn’t deal with nutrition…

I Knew There Has to Be A Better Way to Help People Lose Weight

I was experiencing these failures continuously and it was bothering me…

I was the person who was responsible for them as they enrolled in my program…

It was bothering me because I thought there’s got to be something more I can do for them…

I remember sitting down with one of the guys who had just failed the weigh-ins and he was a new guy who had just enrolled in my program…

He had too much body fat…

We were sitting down and going over the options…

In the Navy when you fail a PRT you have to pick a nutrition option from 4 different choices…

Those four different choices are:

  • You can see a nutritionist…
  • You can do self-directed, which is basically where you decide by yourself what you’re going to do…
  • You can choose a commercial program, which would be like those tv-shows where they are dancing up and down, throwing weights around, doing the Stairmaster stuff…
  • Last option was Ship Shape…

I had no idea back then what Ship Shape was…

First off, I had never done any commercial programs myself…

I had never done Ship Shape…

When I say commercial program, I mean based on nutrition not the fitness side, because as a personal trainer I was doing the fitness program, but they had to focus on the commercial program for the nutrition side…

95% of the people picked self-directed…

But this one guy asked me what is that Ship Shape thing…

I had no idea what Ship Shape was…

I was feeling probably the same way that he felt, he had no idea about it either…

That was a problem, because here is this guy who is sitting in a situation that’s really hard for him, his career is on the line, because he failed his weight, and now he doesn’t know what to do for nutrition…

I don’t have an answer for him…

I don’t even have a sign to point him in the right direction…

Eventually he said that he’s probably doing the self-directed then…

That was because he had no other idea what to do…

When I started to think about how weight loss industry looks right now, there are a million different options out there…

How confusing is that for people?

At that time, I was thinking about how confusing all this is…

How could someone make up their mind if they are being told to pick a commercial program…

If you type ‘weight loss’ in Google, you will get about 150 results all different ways that you can eat to lose weight…

That’s confusing as heck…

If I’m trying to lose weight I’m confused as hell…

Which one do I pick? Which one is right? How do I know?

They’ve got programs where you go in person and sit in a classes or cut different foods out of your diet…

There are just a ton of different things…

I decided to figure this out myself…

There’s got to be a way to help these guys…

They want to know what is the best nutrition option…

I was going to figure out how I could help them…

Ship Shape Turned Out to Be One of The Best Programs I Had Ever Been in For Losing Weight

So, I decided to start looking around…

I decided to look at some of those commercial programs, at some of those options I mentioned earlier, and I decided to go talk to a nutritionist…

See what the nutritionist has to say! Let me enroll in this Ship Shape program to find out what it is!

That was the plan! I was going to figure this out, it needed to be clarified for those people who were trying to lose weight…

What are the options? What can I do for them?

So, I had the plan and I was going down that road…

First step was that I had to figure out what was Ship Shape…

I got to hold of all of my other personal trainers that were with me, I got them together and told them that I am planning to figure out, what that Ship Shape thing is, you guys are welcome to come with me, I think it will be helpful and hopefully we can help people lose weight, that are enrolled in our program…

Almost all of them joined me…

So, there were three other trainers who joined with me…

I didn’t even know who to call at first, but finally we got hold of someone at the hospital who did the Ship Shape thing…

So, we went there and enrolled in that program, we all showed up at the hospital and found out that it was actually taking place in the cafeteria…

We made our way in there…

This was a 8 weeks long course…

I didn’t even know what to expect when I got there…

It turned out to be one of the best programs I’d ever been in…

We were in a class in a group where everyone is trying to lose weight…

I wasn’t specifically there to lose weight myself, but I learned a ton of stuff about weight loss that I never knew…

It opened my mind completely!

It was the best course in the world, and I went through all of those 8 weeks…

I couldn’t believe how good of a course it was on weight loss…

When I got there, I didn’t know what to expect, but this blew my mind…

It was so good that after the 8-week course I talked to the instructor, Mr. Martinez, I’ll never forget his name…

Love this guy…

I told him that I love this course…

He asked me if I wanted to help teach the course…

Hell yeah I want to help teach! This is an awesome course!

I told him that I would love to help him teach this course…

He said that he’s going to give a facilitator course in a couple weeks, and he told me to sign up for it…

That was awesome! I enrolled in the facilitator course…

Got to learn all the knowledge from Mr. Martinez…

Then, I had to go to the course named Chow…

It might stand for something but I can’t remember…

It was actually a course taught by a nutritionist…

So, I also got to learn from a nutritionist…

That was a 3-day course where the nutritionist talked about everything…

I learned a ton of things…

One Path on Nutrition Led to Another Path on Nutrition and Weightlifting and More

It started me down this path…

I ended up helping ton of people in the Navy lose the weight by teaching this course, because as the personal trainer in the Navy I wasn’t allowed to talk about nutrition…

But all I had to do was put on my Ship Shape hat…

And if people enrolled in my program I could talk to them about nutrition…

It was kind of a way around not being able to talk about nutrition…

It opened up a whole new world for me in being able to help people…

Cool thing is, that eventually as things progressed, I went through ton of different programs, different commercial programs later down the road and it went on for about 3 years…

I got hooked…

I was weightlifting, I was eating right and finally one day something happened…

It was almost like breathing, I could just do it…

I didn’t have to think about it anymore…

I call it The Internalization Method, because it’s the only way I could describe it…

The Internalization Method basically is a course that I’m creating and I’m really excited about it…

I’m creating this course to help people learn these things that I’ve learned over the past 4 years, but I’ve taken the best out of everything…

I’ve combined it together in my mind…

You will be able to internalize all this information and actually be able to stop being confused by all the different options that are out there and finally understand what it is to lose weight…

These poor guys I described earlier, they really wanted to lose weight…

They really did, but they were so confused because there are too many different choices…

So, let’s cut to the chase…

Go to my website

Sign for the waiting list…

It’s going to be awesome!
