ow I Lost 35 Pounds in 2 Months Before I Knew the Internalizatin Method

How I Lost 35 Pounds in 2 Months Before I Knew the Internalization Method

I remember when I was overweight, I had 18% body fat, at that time I was 195 pounds…

I wasn’t always like that…

Before that I was lean and I looked actually good…

Like most of us do, we are not born overweight…

The whole reason I even got to that point was I was reading different books and I was trying to look good…

I wanted to look like Brad Pitt in the Troy movie…

He had these big muscles and you could see all the lines in his muscles…

The dude was huge! I was trying to look like that too…

At the time everything was telling me to bulk up…

I needed to eat surplus in calories first and then afterwards when I’ve built the muscle, I can cut down and I can get down to where I want to be…

That’s how I got to be 195 pounds and 18% of body fat…

I Didn’t Realize That I Was That Fat

Funny thing was, when I was actually at that weight, I didn’t really realize how fat I was…

My wife would tell me that I looked fat…

In my mind I was thinking that I am bulking and that I’ve got these big muscles…

Really I looked like big fat marshmallow…

I thought I had all these big muscles that I’m building underneath all of that…

That didn’t really bother me the most…

What bothered me the most was the medical issues I was starting to have, like heartburn…

It was insane! After every meal it felt like I was drinking liquid lava…

I would feel the burn in my chest and it lasted about 30 minutes after every meal…

It got so bad that I decided that I needed to go to the doctor, so I went and told the doctor what was happening and doctor said that there’s medicine for that so he gave me Nexium or something like that…

I took it and after a few weeks up to a month of taking it, I decided I’m going to just take Tums…

I didn’t like taking medicine long-term…

When I needed it I just took Tums and that’ll be it…

So I stopped taking Nexium but I think I forgot to take it prior too and started taking it again, but forgot to take it again, then started it again…

Finally I just stopped…

A few days after I stopped taking the Nexium, when I went to the bathroom for number 2, I sat on the toilet playing with my phone and suddenly it felt like liquid lava coming out of my body…

I hadn’t eaten any hot chili pepper, this wasn’t like after eating some Mexican food, this was something different…

I have had food poisoning in Mexico after drinking the water there, I knew what that was like and this was something completely different…

It felt like razor blades were coming out of my butt…

I don’t even know how to explain it…

This lasted for a week…

It just kept going…

It was insanely painful…

At one point I even had tears coming out of my eyes, I was dreading going to the bathroom as soon as my stomach started bubbling up…

It was so painful! Finally, I couldn’t take it so I went back to the doctor, I didn’t know what this was…

I think I am pretty strong most of the time, but I couldn’t take this anymore…

I was exhausted and worn out mentally, from the pain…

I walked into the doctors office and I really didn’t want to tell the doctor about this issue…

Who the hell would want to do that?

I was dreading it…

So I told the doctor that something is wrong down there, all the skin has been ripped off from my asshole, because all I feel is pure pain when I shit…

I asked the doctor if there is something he can give me for that so I wouldn’t have to feel like I’m giving birth in the toilet…

He had to take a look…

I knew that was coming…

I dropped my pants and bent over, he looked in there and said there is nothing he can do for me…

He said I’ll just have to wait until it passes…

I couldn’t believe there was nothing for it…

I thought you got to be kidding me! Luckily it only lasted for couple more days…

Oh wow! If I ever see a bottle of Nexium again I want to land in a fetal position…

I will never take that again…

That was just one medical issues I was experiencing…

At that time I didn’t even realize that all that was because I was overweight…

That obvious thing wasn’t so obvious at the time…

I put on all this weight and had heartburn, but I thought it was because I was getting older…

My Health Had Gotten Bad and My Clothes Didn’t Fit Anymore

Other medical issues started as well…

I also had a back pain…

One of the weird things, when you gain weight, is that you cannot control where you gain it…

For me the body fat would come on my stomach, on my ass and my hips…

Fat would just start to pack on to those places the most…

I noticed my stomach, because it was sticking out when I was wearing my shirts, but my pants were where it really bothered me because they didn’t fit anymore…

I had to buy a whole new wardrobe…

It was insane! All the clothes I loved that I had for years and years, I couldn’t wear anymore…

It was all bad…

One day when I was laying in bed and I woke up, I had a lot of pain in my back…

I didn’t know what was causing it…

I think it was because my ass was so big…

Literally, my ass was sticking out one way and my stomach was sticking out the other way…

I looked like a big fat “S” …

It was ridiculous! My back was hurting…

I was a runner, I’m in the Navy and I would run…

I used to run a lot…

At one point I was running 8 miles a day…

At that time I was only doing 3 miles a day and my knees started hurting because all of the extra body weight on my knees…

I could feel the extra pressure on my knees while I was running…

I had all those medical issues going on and people were telling me I was looking fat…

That was different for me because I wasn’t used to that…

I was used to being lean my whole life…

Another funny thing that would happen to me…

Ever since my stomach was coming out of my shirt, one thing that I started to do was always sucking my stomach in…

I’d be standing up and every time someone went by I would suck my stomach in and push my chest out…

I got to the point when I was walking around like that, with my stomach in, my chest out, trying to hide my stomach from sticking out…

These were all the things I was going through…

My wife was telling me I looked fat, people were telling me I was looking bigger…

Finally, I had enough of this…

It was time for me to cut down…

To get back down to a healthy body weight…

That’s when I decided to cut down…

I Had a Plan to Cut My Body Fat Back Down Again

I already knew the plan…

I was in a calorie surplus, is how I got to this point…

I was in 20% surplus in calories, so I think at the time I was consuming 3500 calories a day…

My maintenance level was like 28, but I needed to get down to 24…

That meant I had to take at least 1000 calories less in a day than I was currently taking in, in order to actually get the weight off…

That’s what I did…

I went went in a deficit of calories…

There was definitely some challenges along the way…

One of the big things was hunger pains…

When you go from a surplus in calories to a deficit of calories, you are definitely going to experience hunger pains…

They were severe…

It felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach with a knife…

It was insane! I also remember when I was in deficit; I experienced a lot of cravings…

I had a lot of food cravings…

I guess you have food cravings no matter what, like pizza, cookie dough ice cream…

Cookie dough ice cream was amazing! Brownies and I just love cookies, all these things…

I had one thing specifically frustrating for me, I probably experienced it when I was bulking as well…

But when I was cutting – that’s going in deficit and losing fat – some weeks I wouldn’t lose weight at all…

I would do everything right and at the end of the week I still didn’t lose any weight…

You got to be kidding me!

After all this effort for the whole week and I was still at same place where I was week ago?!?

That was horrible…

One thing I cannot stand is wasting time…

It pisses me off more than anything else if I’m wasting my time…

That was definitely a big challenge for me that I ended up having to deal with…

At some point though, when I started losing the weight and I had to go back to my skinny clothes…

I had two sets of clothes in my wardrobe…

I’ve got clothes for when I’m overweight and I got clothes for when I’m underweight…

I finally got to the point…

Finally, I Made It To Being Lean and Cut or Did I?

I had gotten down my body weight…

I was so excited! I was finally going to look like Brad Pitt…

But it didn’t work out that way at all…

I ended up being right back where I originally started…

I was down to the same weight and same body fat percentage, so basically it was a big waste of time…

Six months of my life gone, I was fed up and tired…

Part of me wanted to say screw it, I’m done…

It didn’t work for me, I spent six months trying and I didn’t get anything to show for it…

It was pretty pathetic…

I was down to 170 pounds…

Around this time I went to Burma with my wife on a vacation…

For those who don’t know it, it’s a country by Thailand, around that area…

It’s a third world country…

We were there to visit some family, because my wife is from Burma…

I remember going to the restaurant there, the food was absolutely amazing…

We could even see how they were making this food, they were squeezing it in their hands and mixing it together by hand…

That was interesting, they didn’t even have any gloves on, they were just using their hands…

So I had to use the restroom…

In Burma if you’re going to take a number 2, it’s just a hole in the ground, they do not have the traditional western toilets there…

You have to squat down into this hole…

And next to that hole in the ground they have this tub of water sitting next to you and inside this tub of water is a cup that’s floating on top of the water…

The idea is that you take this cup, get some water in it and put it underneath your butt, then you splash the water up into your butt, you wipe it and clean it…

Craziest thing was when I left this bathroom, there was no sink to rinse my hands after doing that, there wasn’t any soap or anything to clean with and there were no paper towel…

So I had to walk out with a wet hand that I had just wiped my ass with…

I also couldn’t dry my ass up either so I had this big wet stain on my ass walking around…

When I left Burma, all my pants had this brown circle stain on my butt…

It’s no wonder they wear these dress-looking clothing over there because it’s probably that they don’t want their pants stained brown from their ass…

I got back out to the restaurant and after just experiencing all that, I look at them mixing my food with their hands and I was thinking this can’t be good…

I know they don’t have soap in the bathroom and now they are mixing my food with their hands…

So I ate it…

Needless to say that a few days later I am shitting water…

I had major food poisoning, it was the worst one I’ve ever had and I’ve been to Mexico, drank the water there and had food poisoning in Mexico, which is like a bacterial infection…

This was just as bad if not worse…

I was in the hotel for about three days just shitting water, I couldn’t eat anything…

Luckily, my wife’s mother knew someone to get me medicine for it…

They brought those pills into the hotel room, gave me these and I started to feel better…

It took me about a week or two to completely get better…

I even ended up losing 10 pounds…

Now I was down to 160 pounds…

I had lost any muscle that I ever built…

So if you want to lose weight, another option is to get food poisoning…

I do not recommend that option because it’s not fun…

I made it to my goal losing the weight but I didn’t make it to my goal putting on the muscle…

The Weight Loss Internalization Method Was Discovered

Cool thing was that later on after that I ended up learning how to do all these things…

I figured out that I wasn’t training my muscles correctly, that is why I didn’t build muscle…

I ended up figuring that out later on…

I ended up acquiring what I call the Internalization Method…

It’s like breathing, you don’t think about breathing and you don’t think about weight loss when you’re on the Internalization Method…

It just happens…

It led me to eventually being able to acquire the Internalization Method in which I’m at now…

I’m actually building muscle every month and I’m continually moving up building muscle while my body fat stays low…

Sometimes I lose body fat…

That’s the goal now…

This was my story of how I lost 35 pounds of body fat without using the Internalization Method but doing some severe cutting of calories…

If you want to know more about the Internalization Method, go to my website: https://www.internalizeweightloss.com/

Get on the waiting list for the Internalization Method…

It’s going to be coming out in a month or two…

It’ll be great!

You’ll get to learn some amazing things…

I’m really excited about that…

I will put all my best knowledge into this course…

I’m trying everything in my power in this course to be able to allow you to achieve what took me 3 to 4 years for you to acquire the same knowledge in 8 weeks…

It will be fun!
