Eat Anything You Want andLose Weight without ketosis

How to Eat Anything You Want and Still Lose Weight Without Putting Your Body into Ketosis

A lot of people have been asking me what do you mean by that you can just eat whatever you like…

So, I figured I should tell you more about how I can eat anything I want and lose weight without putting my body into Ketosis…

Let’s wind the clock back…

The Doctor Who Lost Weight Eating Only Junk Food

I was sitting at my computer…

I wanted to lose weight…

I wanted to look good and I wanted to get that excess body fat off my body…

So, I started looking ways to do that…

How am I going to get a six pack?

How am I going to cut this body fat off?

How I’ll be able to look good, feel good and gain the extra confidence that comes with it?

I had my four monitors up, because I used to trade stocks, I was typing on my keyboard and was looking at Google…

I typed in “how to lean up” into the search bar and hit search…

Million different results came up…

As I was sitting there and looking through everything, I finally found one specific book…

I remember it still, it was by Mike Matthews “Bigger, Leaner, Stronger”…

I thought that looked pretty cool, so I opened the book and scrolled down…

There he was talking about exactly what I needed. He’s going to help me lose this body fat and cut down…

I’m going to have bigger muscles!

There was everything I needed to do…

There were all kinds of clinical studies listed with references…

Every time he made a claim, there was a clinical study to back it up.

I thought this is perfect, this guy knows what he is talking about, he is not just making this up…

These are not just his ideas…

So, I bought the book…

There I am, reading that book…

It took me awhile, but I started to get all kind of ideas about how to actually be able to achieve, what I wanted…

There was this one specific spot in the book, where he told a story about a doctor, who did an experiment on himself…

That experiment was to eat only junk food for the next 30 days and he was going to lose weight…

He was really going to drive that principle home…

The main principle the book was talking about, was cut your calories…

The only thing that mattered was calories…

So, the doctor wanted to prove it…

He went on this diet and documented everything…

He even had all these clinical studies referenced…

For 30 days he ate nothing but junk food, he lost weight and he was actually healthier, because he had lost all that weight…

His cholesterol levels were lower, as well as his blood pressure was down…

It blew my mind!

I couldn’t believe that the only thing I needed to worry about is calories!

At this point I had heard a lot of different things…

People were saying that I needed to eat healthy, got to eat my vegetables and all these types of foods that are healthy and low in fat…

So, I thought there are so many other things to worry about…

But it was simple – all I had to worry about, is calories…


The Nutrition Expert Explaining ‘Energy In vs Energy Out’

Now, I want to jump into another story where I had the second epiphany…

Bear with me here! In this other story I was in hospital in Guam…

It’s beautiful and a brand-new hospital…

They built it right on the ocean…

It was incredible!

The hospital was elevated on the cliff, it was way up and overlooking Pacific Ocean…

This hospital was literally just constructed, it was truly amazing…

Design of the hospital was really interesting as well…

There were structures of different levels and there was a central point, almost like the central heart in your body, there was a central heart in the hospital, where you could see all the different arteries going through, which were different locations of the hospital…

It was an interesting hospital…

There was this one section where I was going to…

This section was teaching a class named “Shipshape”…

Only reason I enrolled this class was to have a better understanding of the people that I was trying to help to lose weight…

I was a personal trainer in the Navy, and I had all these people assigned to me, who were overweight and one of the things they had to decide was, how to manage their nutrition…

As a personal trainer, I only dealt with the physical and fitness side, I wasn’t really focused on nutrition…

One of the programs was “Shipshape”, I had no clue what this was…

So, I thought I have to enroll in this class to learn how to lose weight…

That way I can decide, if this class is good or not…

I was in the hospital, walking down the artery to the section, where they were teaching “Shipshape”…

When I entered, I realized it was actually a cafeteria…

No one in there were eating but they had reserved the cafeteria for that class…

First thing they had me do, was to step on the scale…

It was my initial weighing into the course…

So, I sat down and looked around, there was about 6-7 other students in the class, I could see they are overweight…

I was the only one there who wasn’t too overweight…

Other students might have been confused, why I was even there, but I didn’t care…

I just hoped I didn’t make them feel uncomfortable if they might not want to share something, because they don’t know about me…

Luckily, that was not the case and I got to fit right in…

I remember the instructor, who walked in, very clearly…

He’s name was Mr. Martinez…

I’ll never forget that guy!

He was about 5 ft tall, brown hair and he walked with the sense of confidence…

He was so sure of himself just by the way he walked, same time he was happy as he strolled in and introduced himself to the class…

He was very sympathetic dude…

Every time he answered a question, he answered your emotions as well, like “that sounds so frustrating”…

I loved that guy!

I learned so much from this class…

The first week in the class was about ‘energy in versus energy out’…

He drilled that into us in the first day of the class…

He had the same idea! He was saying that the only thing what matters is calories…

Nothing else matters…

He told us that he is going to teach us about nutrition…

Remember, all of this happened in a hospital…

He said, he was going to teach us how to be healthier throughout this course, because it’s good to be healthy and eat foods that benefit your body…

But that is not what we are concerned about today…

This course is for you to lose weight…

The only thing you need to worry about in this course is ‘calories in versus calories out’…

He gave us an analogy…

Eating Too Much Is Like Over Filling Your Gas Tank on Your Car

It really helped me to understand what he was talking about – energy in vs energy out…

He started talking about being at the gas pump…

I imagined, here I am at the gas pump, I walk up to the gas pump and get out of my car, shut the door, go over to the gas pump and start pumping in my credit card and my zip code…

I grab the nozzle out..

I put it into my car and wait for it start to pump gas…

I’m looking around as it’s filling up and when I finally hear the click notifying it’s done…

Imagine if instead of removing the nozzle from the gas tank, I’m going to do something completely different…

I’m going to squeeze the trigger again as I want to put more gas into the tank, but the gas tank isn’t designed to hold any more gas in…

It will not expand wider just because I want to put more gas into it…

It doesn’t work that way. Gas tank has its certain size and as soon as I pull that trigger, bad things are going to happen…

I squeeze the trigger and gas goes everywhere…

It starts spraying all over my car, my face and on the ground, even on the guy behind me…

People are looking at me like I’ve gone crazy…

What the hell is this guy doing?

Why is he spraying gas everywhere?

That was the analogy!

This is exactly what your body does when you are eating more then you are using, more than your body has space for…

You are taking in more energy than your body is using…

When that happens, that fat is spraying all over your body.

It’s landing on your hips, your butt, your stomach, and even on your chest…

If you’ve ever cut a steak open, you’ve seen there are marble junks of fat in random places of the meat…

This is how your body sprays the fat everywhere…

It takes the shotgun and goes wild with it! Fat just sprays everywhere, it’s just what it does…

That was my epiphany…

I had learned that the only thing that matters is ‘Energy In vs Energy Out’ and ‘Calories are King’…

That’s what I was going to do…

Let’s do this!

The Journey To Losing Weight Eating Anything I Want

So, I went on a journey of doing just what I had learned…

I only cared about calories. I eat whatever I wanted…

Didn’t matter if it was healthy or not, because I was trying to get lean and lose my body fat…

That was only thing I cared about…

Still, there were challenges along the way…

There were certain things that made it harder…

It’s not like your body has a gas gauge that would remind you, when you are getting low on calories and would have to put some more in…

It just doesn’t work like that…

I don’t have any built-in mechanism that would let me know how many more calories I will need and when I’ll have to stop eating…

I had to download all these different apps to start logging stuff…

It turned into a nightmare as I was trying to keep track the calories that went into my body…

My body was changing all the time…

As soon as I lost weight, the amount of the calories I needed went down as well…

There was a lot of math going into this…

I struggled with it a lot and…

I didn’t like it…

I couldn’t eat at certain places, because I didn’t know what they would put into their food…

Another thing that I noticed was that there are a lot of other people out there, who talk about different things of how to lose weight…

They say you got to eat certain foods, or you can’t eat certain foods…

Those could be challenges too…

People would be challenging my belief that calories are king…

Until I don’t achieve that, I don’t really know…

Ketosis Doesn’t Make You Lose Weight

People would come up to me and say that this big fad right now is Ketosis…

They would tell me about putting my body into Ketosis and doing that Ketogenic style of lifestyle, but it’s all crap!

You know, why?

Because calories are king…

So, I have to follow that…

Cool thing is that I finally got there…

I never put my body into Ketosis…

I never had to cut off carbohydrates or fats…

I ate whatever I wanted…

I ate sugar, fruits, bread, cake, ice cream – whatever I wanted, and I got down to 8% body fat before finally, something happened in my brain and I found the Internalization Method…

I didn’t even have to count calories anymore and I started losing weight without even having to document or log anything…

It was like some magical thing that happened, where I just lost weight…

As soon as you understand something so well in your mind that you don’t have to think about it anymore…

Then it just becomes part of you…

It will just be the way that you are and do things…

It’s like breathing…

We don’t think about breathing every day…

Just like I don’t even think about what I am eating anymore and still I am losing weight eating it…

I call it the Internalization Method…

Just like we’ve internalized breathing, we are internalizing weight loss…

Then I even went down to 5% body fat without even counting calories or anything else…

You can lose weight without having to cut out certain foods in your diet, like the Ketosis diet where you cut out almost all carbohydrates and you replace them with fat, so that your body would use fat as an energy source instead of carbohydrates and you would make your body go into Ketosis, where it’s now burning fat as an energy source…

At the end of the day, if you eat more calories than you took in, you’re going to put on fat. No matter what you use as an energy source, because it does not matter…

Don’t over-complicate it!

Only thing that matters is calories…

Only reason you would be losing weight is that you are taking in less calories at the end of the day then you’re using…

If you want to eat pound of fat as your diet so that your body would be in Ketosis, go for it!

But at the end of the day, if you don’t take in less calories then you’re not going to lose weight…

It has been proven…

How To Acquire The Internalization Method In 8 Weeks

This is how you lose weight and if you want to fast-forward into acquiring the Internalization Method, go on my waiting list…

I have a course starting really soon!

Check it out at

Just put in your name and e-mail and you’re on the waiting list…

See you there!
