lose weight without counting calories

New ‘Calorie Counting Hack’ Allows You To Lose Weight Without logging or Counting Anything

With this hack that I discovered, you no longer have to count calories and you can lose weight without a calculator, but still have the same results as if you were counting calories…

It’s a pretty awesome trick…

Should You Count Calories for Weight Loss?

Before I even knew what calories were, I was the most ignorant person there ever was about nutrition and weight loss…

I always had been quite active but I sure as heck knew nothing about nutrition…nothing!

What ended up happening was that I was stationed in Guam and I enrolled in this 8-week government ran weight loss course and they were holding it in the Naval Hospital there in Guam (very beautiful hospital)…

I was walking in the hospital, it was a new hospital, and it was kind of designed in an interesting way…

Where you had center of the hospital as the heart and it had all these arteries coming out of it…

And I was walking down this one artery that took me to cafeteria, which was where they were holding this class…

No people were sitting around eating because they had reserved cafeteria for the class…

The first week or two they got into what causes weight loss in the human body and how it actually works…

This was groundbreaking for me at the time because I really had no idea about it…

I did not understand it…

I didn’t even remember what I thought about really when it came to weight loss…

I knew it involved eating healthy and things like that but I really didn’t understand in detail how it works…

In the class they talked about everything involved about the ‘energy in versus energy out’ principle…

Energy in is the food you take in and then energy out was the energy you use to be alive and move around and do all these things…

That was it!

It was really that simple…

If you used less energy then you consumed then you store that extra energy as fat…

If you use more energy then you consume, that you ate, then you burn fat…

That was it!

At the end of the day that is what causes weight loss…

It’s not a magical food, it’s not eliminating a certain food group or not eating carbs or low fat, it has nothing to do with any of that…

It’s literally ‘energy in vs energy out’, that was it…

So, I went through this course and they wanted you to count calories, but they had alternatives…

One way was to count portion sizes, they had these different ways to measure with your hand…

I still get confused about it when I try to think about it…

The tip of my thumb is one serving of fat…

The size of my palm is serving of fish or protein…

The size of my fist, the flat portion not the whole thing, is the size of the carbs serving…

You eat certain amount of servings throughout the day for each meal and each category and voila you lose weight…

That sounded more confusing to me than just counting calories…

So I would count calories…

I wasn’t going to do it like that…

At the time those were the options available…

I knew about these fad diets on the market, like eliminating certain things or doing certain things, but at the time I didn’t really understand them…

I didn’t understand why those would work or not work…

I just followed what they told me…

That’s what I did and that was what I learned in that course…

Here’s what I found…

I started counting calories…

Holy shit, is that a nightmare!

If you’ve counted calories you know that it sucks…

You need to do algebra before every meal and throughout the day you have to keep track and have logs…

Oh my gosh! You never realize how complicated eating was until you’ve tried counting calories…

That really sucked…

All a ‘Fad Diet’s’ Purpose Is to Keep You from Counting Calories

As I learned it and I got better at it, I learned that all these other fad diets out there, they were designed because people didn’t want to count calories…

That was it…

That was their sole purpose to make weight loss easier so you didn’t have to count calories…

But they didn’t say that…

They didn’t say don’t count calories…

All they said was ‘stop eating carbs’…

Or ‘only eat fats and watch the fat melt off’ like the ketogenic diet…

Or the Paleo Diet ‘only eat whole foods’…

Or the extremely low-calorie diet …

Or some guys tell me that all they do is run very long and then they don’t even have to think about calories…

I started to put all these pieces together and I realized that all these people have come up with different ways to lose weight, to avoid counting calories because it sucks, they tried to make it easier for you…

Because counting calories sucks…

At the end of the day I realized that the only reason any of those thing actually work is because you are taking in less calories then you consumed…

By eliminating carbohydrates, or whatever ‘fad diet’ of the day is from your diet, it helps you to get lower calories throughout the day…

It’s almost like shooting in the dark if you know what I mean…

Yeah, lets go to some extreme method and modify our diet, but who the hell wants to do that…

Its not any more fun than when I have to do algebra before I eat…

I see people all the time at work that say they can’t eat this and they can’t eat any bread, sorry guys, it’s not on their diet…

“I am not going to eat bread because I will get fat”…

Man, this is so confusing…

They don’t know what they are doing…

All they know is that they want to lose weight, but everything is so confusing that no one really knows what the truth is…

Regardless what the truth is, they are trying all these things to lose weight and at the end of the day the only thing that ever mattered to begin with was ‘Energy In VS Energy Out’…

That’s the same thing you learn as a kid was eat healthy and exercise and you’ll lose weight…

These things have always mattered…

We have just modified it, covered it and put it in a different dress so it’ll look different, but it’s the same thing underneath…

Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to count calories using algebra or a calculator after every meal?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we just lose weight without having to go to some extreme method to eliminate some food groups from our diet or work out 3 hours a day doing some extreme cardio?

Weight Loss Can Be Easy and Enjoyable

I mean, let’s wind the clock back like 100 years…

People weren’t doing these things back then…

People weren’t doing things like that 100 years ago…

People just ate normally and they lost weight and they didn’t even have to worry about losing weight back then because it wasn’t an issue like it is today…

So why the hell do we got to do it?

It’s not natural, that’s why it sucks…

That’s why everyone is trying to figure out new ways to do it…

So back to the original story…

What I ended up doing the whole calorie counting, I stuck with it for 2 years, logging every meal…

For those 2 years I didn’t miss one meal…

One day something magical happened and I no longer had to count calories…

I came home one day, and my wife had prepared my little sheet of paper…

She was giving it to me with everything she put in the meal written on it…

I was sitting down at the table and was ready with my calculator and my algebra things, ready to go and all off a sudden I had realized I was just going through the motions and I actually didn’t need to log this anymore…

Because something had happened inside my brain and I just knew what I was doing…

At the time I didn’t know what it was but later I figured it out and I needed something to call it…

So, I call it The Internalization Method…

The same way you internalize breathing and you don’t think about breathing…

The same way a mechanic internalizes oil changes by doing it 10,000 times and he doesn’t have to think about it anymore… he could do it in his sleep…

The same way you have gone to your ‘9 to 5’ job for however long and you don’t even think about how easy it is anymore, because you just do it…

It’s the same, we have internalized the information…

After 2 long years of going through ups and downs and with all the chaos involved with weight loss… I finally had it down…

It was really amazing…

What made it so cool was that I didn’t need tocount calories, I didn’t eliminate any food groups from my body but the fat was coming off…

I was going all the way down to 5% body fat, I am gaining muscle, all while just eating whatever I want…

I’d go to any restaurant, I’d go to any party, I can go anywhere…

I can eat whatever they are cooking in the office at lunch, I can just eat whatever I see…

Because my subconscious just knows this stuff and it’s all inside of it, I don’t even think about it…

Do you ever see Bruce Lee? He used to talk about this…

He was being interviewed one time and they asked him how he did that special move that he does or how is he so fast…

He told them, he said, “Look, when I need to punch someone, I don’t punch someone. It punches”…

He went further on and explained it in deeper ways because he was philosopher…

But at the end of the day he was telling me that he had internalized the martial arts and his subconscious was so programmed that he could just do it…

I am not telling you that you have to spend the next 10 years mastering weight loss and that after 10 long years you’ve internalized it…


No, I didn’t do it in 10 years, I did it in 2 years…

And based on what I have learned and based on all the things I’ve gone through…

I had figured out a quicker way…

It took me 2 years, but based on what I know, I can get you to that level within just 2 months, not 2 years…

All you’d have to do is just a little bit a day…

Follow along with me for 2 months and I’ll get you to that point where you could have the same thing…

You could basically lose weight, have it come off naturally without a calculator and without doing some crazy extreme stuff to get the weight off…

That’s it!

That’s how you lose weight without calculator…

I think it’s pretty cool…

So if you also think it’s cool and if you think someone else could use this information, who’s been counting calories…

Or thinking they have to count calories…

Or they are on some extreme method of losing weight

Or they are running 3 hours a day just so they can eat whatever they want…

Then share this with them and help them out…

Also go to my website https://www.internalizeweightloss.com

Get on the waiting list for my course that’s coming out really soon…

You don’t want to miss this…

Huge special deal for the first people that sign up…

I’m only going to have like 500 people to join initially so make sure you’re on the waiting list, so you don’t miss out…

Take care and have a great day!
