Know How to Lose Weight But Still Can't Get Results

Why Is It Some People Know How To Lose Weight But Still Can’t Get Results?

Why is it many people know how to lose weight but still can’t get results? It’s very confusing…

I see it all the time…

The Secret to Losing Weight

For example, when I was in Guam I remember this one lady I was talking to…

We were talking about losing weight, because she knew I was into that stuff and that I had bulked up and cut down…

She was asking me about it, she was asking me what’s the secret to losing weight…

So I told her that there’s a lot to it but at the end of the day I can sum it up with energy in versus energy out…

Calories in vs calories out…

It’s all about if you eat less than your body uses you will lose weight…

Essentially, you would like to make it simple as possible…

Nobody wants to hear it though…

They want the ‘magic pill’ or the ‘magic fruit’ or something simple…

Everybody knows about diet and exercise…

She was trying it…

She told me that she’s trying to lose weight and that she only takes in about 1,000 calories a day, maybe 800 calories…

She also said she works out every day in the gym…

But she didn’t lose weight…

How interesting! Because we just talked about energy in vs energy out and it sounds like this lady knows what I was talking about…

She’s doing energy in versus energy out, she’s in calorie deficit, she’s working out in the gym…

So why is it that she was not getting the results?

Imagine her frustration…

She’s looking at me with this desperation in her eyes, it’s hidden behind her eyes…

She truly wants to lose the weight…

She wants to feel good about the way she looks, but she’s stuck…

She’s discouraged…

She has been trying this and she’s not getting results…

Why is that?

Let me explain it to you…

How a Total Stranger Changed My Life By Teaching Me One Small Detail

I did a lot of golfing and I got pretty good at it…

I didn’t start playing serious golf until I joined the Navy and at one point I was almost breaking 80…

That’s pretty damn good…

Also it’s really hard to do…

When I started out I was over a 100-120 strokes and I got down to 80 strokes…

80 strokes to play a game of golf…

To be perfect it takes 72 strokes to be par for the course…

A 18-hole course is a 72 strokes total…

So it’s very hard to do…

I was doing almost 80 strokes…

Just barely above par…

When I started I was at 120…

When I first started golfing I played it for years and years…

I started playing it as a kid with my father…

I had this wicked slice…

If you don’t know what a slice is, then it’s when you hit the ball, you want it to go straight…

However, when you hit it, it would go up straight and then suddenly go sideways…

It would go out to the middle of woods or way out in the no man’s land…

I didn’t know how the hell I was doing that…

Every time I would hit my drive it would slice about 75 yards…

When we went out to play golf of 18 holes, we spent 4 hours on the golf course and 2 hours of it was looking for my ball…

It was always out of the bounds…

That’s part of the reason I had 120 strokes, because when you go out of bounds it counts as a 2 stroke penalty…

I had this wicked slice…

Guess what happened? It went on for years…

Finally, I was at the driving range when I was stationed at Washington State…

There were beautiful courses…

At Washington State, it rains all the time, at least 6 months in a year…

If you don’t like the rain, you’re not going to like Washington state…

The golf courses are beautiful, because all of the rain they are so green and the woods are beautiful…

Anyway, I was on this driving range and I went out there every day after work…

It was just normal day out on the driving range…

This guy came up to me and said: “I noticed you’ve got a slice there on your swing”…

He told me that all I had to do when I swing is hold my wrist up…,

When I hit the ball the clubface was open instead of being flat…

So when I came through it sliced because it hit a ball in angle and put a spin on it…

He told me that all I have to do is turn my wrist over, so the clubface would be flat and the ball would go straight…

I had been having a slice for 8 years to this point…

This man comes over, tells me one little thing and my slice was gone permanently…

Now I had the opposite, I had a draw…

It was going too much and the ball would go to opposite direction…

Took me a lot of straightening out but I did eventually…

It turned out, that guy was a licensed professional, who used to play in the PGA…

I got to know the guy and he actually helped me out a lot with my golf swing…

He was out there a lot and he just gave me tips because he enjoyed it so much…

He didn’t even charge me…

But it was cool, it was great…

It changed my golf game forever after I met that guy, it was incredible!

The point I’m trying to get across is I was struggling with my golf swing for 10 years…

Maybe I should’ve read a book or watched a video…

Back then YouTube wasn’t a thing like it is now…

I’m not that old though, it just wasn’t when I grew up…

One little detail and it came from a guy that had been doing it his whole life and he had mastered it…

He had internalized the golf swing and he could just see me and could tell me what I did wrong…

It’s that simple…

How Does That Story Relate to Weight Loss

The reason I told this story is that for that lady it was the same concept…

She had learned that she needs to take calorie deficit…

She had learned that she needed to exercise…

The same things we’ve been told since grade school, diet and exercise to lose weight…

It’s not necessarily the case…

I’ve got a way better method than that that I’ve developed over my years of doing it…

I’ve internalized weight loss…

So, I could come up to her and I could give her one little tip that would change her whole life…

I just looked at her swing the way that she was swinging the golf club…

In this case the way she was doing her diet and exercise…

And I could’ve tweaked one little thing and the weight would’ve started coming off…

How do you get to that point?

You probably think at this point, what am I saying? Do you need to get a personal trainer or professional nutritionist?

No! I’m not saying that…

What I’m saying is if you just knew the information, it’s easy…

You just know it…

When I go to swing the golf club I don’t think about turning my hands over anymore…

I just do it…

I don’t even think about anything when I swing the golf club, I just kill it…

I got like 320 yard drive…

If you don’t believe me, ask my dad…

But I don’t think about it anymore…

Same thing with weight loss…

I started the weight loss journey like that 4 years ago but the difference was that I studied my ass off…

I went through every course and I learned from people who were pros about this and I got all the knowledge…

I went through courses, government course, I learned from everybody I could…

Eventually I internalized weight loss…

I had the entire concept inside my brain just like the golf swing…

Now I’m able to just lose weight…

I don’t think about it…

It just comes off…

You Can Internalize Weight Loss Too

I’ve developed an 8 week course that you can follow…

You just sign up on my waiting list right now on

Just put your e-mail in and you’ll be on the waiting list…

Guess what?

You can internalize weight loss in 8 weeks…

Same stuff that took me 4 years to figure out, you can do in 8 short weeks by following this program…

I’ve put a lot of thought in this program…

The implementation, the way that it’s going to be explained is so simple…

It will be so easy to understand…

It’s not difficult…

None of this stuff is difficult…

The only time things seem difficult or hard is because someone that is explaining it who hasn’t done it themselves…

Someone doesn’t truly understand it…

They haven’t internalized it themselves…

When you speak to someone who’s truly internalized something then their concept seems so simple it blows your mind…

The way they explain it, is so simple…

To give you an example, I am an IT in the Navy…

I know a lot about computers…

I remember before I didn’t really understand how a computer worked…

It’s just a piece of equipment that does a bunch of things but I don’t know the mechanisms behind it…

It’s just so complicated…

If you would ask someone who doesn’t truly understand the difference between hard drive and RAM card in a computer…

Maybe you don’t understand…

So let me pretend to be explaining it to you right now as someone who doesn’t understand it myself…

“Hard drives actually comes in different sizes, like 64 gigabytes, can store a lot of data, they’ve got different horse power speeds. They can spin at different ratios and speed actually improves the amount of right pace, there’s going to be errors that pop out.

The RAM card actually stands for Random Access Memory. They have volatile state. When a program loads they load data points into sections of the computer’s RAM card, the data is simultaneously, blah, blah, blah”…

Could put you to sleep with that kind of explanation…

What I’m trying to say is that sounded very complicated…

I was more confused after that explanation than I was before…

Now, let me change the way I say it…

As someone that truly understand computers and let’s see if that makes more sense…

So let’s try…

“Hard drive and a RAM card…

The easiest way to understand this concept is that a hard drive is like your long-term memory in your brain…

Like those memories in your brain that you keep for a long time, maybe when something dramatic happened to you as a child…

Those things went right into your long-term memory, it was permanently engraved in you and you’ll never forget that, because it’s in your brain forever…

I’m sure we all have some situations like that, what you can always remember – that is your long-term memory…

But we have two types of memories…

We have long-term memory and short-term memory…

The short-term part of your memory is like the RAM card…

Long-term memory is the hard drive and short-term memory is the RAM card…

What does that mean?

That means when I learn something new, for example if I told you that onegaishimasu is Japanese word for “please, help me”…

You can say that right now, you know some Japanese…

Or arigato gozaimasu which means “thank you”…

That just went into your short term memory…

Now wait 2 hours and see if you still remember that…

That knowledge will just disappear, it doesn’t go into your long-term memory unless you transfer it over…

That’s what the hard drive and RAM card does, which are long-term and short-term memory”..

BAM! How about THAT?

Easy to understand…

Same with weight loss, it’s so easy to understand…

As long as you know someone who understands it…

Nothing is difficult…

You don’t need to starve yourself, you don’t need to limit certain types of foods, you don’t need to do any of that…

You just need to understand the concept…

Once you understand the concept of weight loss, you can do anything…

Eat whatever you want…

It doesn’t matter…

The weight will come off…

Hope this helped you!

If it did, make sure you share it and see if it can help someone else also…

I would really appreciate it…

So will they…
