Lose Weight Permanently

The #1 Way To Lose Weight Permanently That You Never Heard Of – The Internalization Method

So there I was pulling up my dress white pants and they had gotten all the way up to my hips when all off a sudden my heart stopped beating for a second…

My pants wouldn’t go past my hips easily…

I have to be at the Sailor of the Quarter board, which is being recognized as being the best sailor at the command for that quarter within a few hours and I can’t get my dress pants on…

These are the only pair that I have and they are tailor made to me, to my body, to my length and everything…

It would take a two-day turnaround to get a new pair of pants down…

I am completely at a loss for words and I don’t know what to do at this point…

So I start to breathe and grab hold to the pants to pull them more tightly, using my muscles and strength to pull up my pants…

I get them past my hips, now they are up to my waist, but I can’t even button them…

I suck in my waist and I’m able to button the pants…

At this point, I don’t know what to do…

I’m in a pair of pants that are supposed to fit loose and look loose like dress pants should look, but they look like a wetsuit on my body…

They are skin tight…

I don’t even know if I can bend over, because the crotch would just rip out of them…

I have to be at this board where I’m being interviewed at and they are going to look at my entire uniform within a few hours and I’m suppose to be the best sailor of the quarter…

I’m completely embarrassed…

Honestly, I even thought about not even showing up…

But why am I really telling you this?

How I Ended Up Gaining a Lot of Body Fat But Thought I Was Building Muscle

Why am I telling you about this situation?

How did I even get to this point where I am about to show up to this event…

I just gained 35 pounds of body fat within 3 short months…

35 pounds of body fat!

Do you know how much body fat that is?

One pound of body fat is roughly a size of a large grapefruit…

I gained 35 pounds!

It was packed on my stomach, my hips and my butt pretty much…

How did that happen?

How the heck did I gain 35 pounds of body fat in just a few months?

The reason was, I was trying to build my body up…
I was trying to look good and have that good looking body…

You know the kind of body that when you walk in to a gym and everyone just looks over to you like “Wow!” and they look back like “Did you see? That guy is big, he looks good!”

I wanted to have that Brad Pitt body…

The kind of stomach and abs where you can see clearly the whole six pack and every line in them…

I wanted to have big muscles…

I didn’t want to be skin and bones…

I wanted big muscles that you can see clearly…

So, I read bunch of things online on nutrition, what to eat and what not to eat, and how to work out…

I was looking at all these things and I thought I knew what I was doing and then I did it…

I completely screwed it up…

It was horrible! I was trying to build muscle, look good, get lean and I ended up looking like a darn marshmallow man…

It was completely the opposite of what I was going for…

I think the reason that it got to that point was because of so much information out there online available for people…

But how do you know what the right thing to do is?

There Is a Lot of Controversial Information Out There About Weight Loss

This went on about two years…

I was reading everything I could about weight loss, about gaining or losing weight, how to build muscle, how to be lean, all these different things and I was reading course after course, buying book after book…

I read materials and took courses from different people…

I was doing all these things, talking to people that know what they are talking about…

After two long years trying to figure it out, because I didn’t have a personal trainer, I didn’t have someone to tell me exactly how I should do everything…

I was just trying to figure this whole thing out…

When you do it that way… it’s hard…

You got to put on body fat, you got to screw up because you learn from your mistakes, but you got to be able to keep going…

That’s what I did!

I was committed…

I just kept pushing through…

So, two years go by…

I learned about counting calories and I had been counting my calories for two years…

I didn’t miss a day or counting my calories for two years…

Suddenly, something happened one day…

I’d come home, just like a normal day…

I was getting ready to sit down and add up my calories before I ate my dinner and something was different inside of me…

I didn’t feel the need to log my calories that day…

Something was changing inside of my mind, something was happening…

But I will come back to this in a little bit..

First I want to tell you about is when I was going through everything and I was trying to learn all these different things leading up to this point at the two year mark, when something special happened…

When I was doing all those things and going through all these courses, I ended up realizing stuff about the weight loss industry… about everything that you know and think you know about weight loss…

The Weight Loss Industry Sells Too Many Kinds of Fad Diets

It’s all screwed up…

Think about every fad diet that’s out there…

Right now, the big one is the ketogenic diet…

Eating high levels of fat with the idea that you’re going to put your body into ketosis and because you’re eating fat, you’re going to burn fat…

Before that it was the paleo diet…

Paleo diet was a big thing a few years ago where you had the whole foods, you couldn’t eat carbs so the exact opposite…

Well actually these are similar since they both don’t like carbs, but the paleo diet didn’t focus on fat the way ketogenic diet does…

The point was, all these fad diets would be coming up with ways to basically make money on people that don’t know what they’re doing…

Because if you know anything about weight loss and you understand how it works, you would never even think about any of these crazy things…

Let me explain, why…

I’ll give you an example…

A guy goes to the doctor…

He’s got shoulder pain, shoulders are killing him and he doesn’t know what the problem is…

He didn’t even do anything, he just woke up one day and it hurt…

So, he goes to the doctor and the doctor looks at the shoulder and says “just take some Motrin, it should help with the pain, it should just go away on its own, maybe in a couple of weeks”…

Couple weeks go by, nothing happens…

The guy gave him Motrin…

So, he goes to a different doctor about his shoulder pain and asks what he should take…

Second doctor says “here’s some Tylenol, just take that for a while and see if the pain goes away”…

So, he takes Tylenol for the pain…

Pain goes away but he is tired of taking these pills for pain all the time…

He asks another doctor he could do anything, because he is tired of taking pills for the pain all the time…

Doctor asks if the pain is bad…

The guy says “yeah, the pain is killing me right now, it’s getting worse”…

Doctor answers “here is some Vicodin for the pain”…

So, he is giving him Vicodin…

Everyone is giving him pills for his shoulder…

He finally finds a doctor who looks at his shoulder and says “your shoulder has been dislocated. Let me pop it in place”…

The doctor pops his shoulder in place, the pain is gone…

That is exactly how the weight loss industry is to me, the diet industry…

All these weight loss fad diets, they are giving you pain medicine just to get you through the pain that you are feeling about your weight probelm, but not going to the source of the problem and fixing the source…

Which is the dislocated shoulder…

Once you fix the source of the problem, you no longer need the pain medicine, you no longer need the fad diets…

To me this is exactly what they are…

They’re just treating the symptoms instead of going straight to the source and attacking the source…

Internalizing Weight Loss Fixes the Source of Obesity, Not Just the Symptoms

Back to the beginning now…

After being two years into my weight loss journey I had that special thing happened to me and I no longer needed to count the calories…

I didn’t know what was going on…

Next day I didn’t count the calories again…

I had realized that I just understood it…

It was almost like a mechanic, who has been changing oil around 5,000 – 10,000 times…

He’s been doing this a long time…

He’s done all these oil changes, but he’s still opening up the manual and following the steps in the manual on how to change the oil…

It requires him to think, process it and use his brain power to read this manual and mark off the checklist when he just knows how to do it…

He could do it with his eyes closed…

He could go in there and change the oil probably half way asleep and he would never even consciously have to think about what he is doing, because it’s inside of his brain…

I was thinking, what is this called…

I didn’t know what it was called, so I call it The Internalization Method…

That’s what I call what this is, when you’ve learned something and you’ve got it inside your subconscious mind and you just know it…

I call that The Internalization Method…

That’s what had happened to me…

I had internalized weight loss…

I just knew what I needed to do, because I had been doing it day in and day out for the past two years and I just had it…

I just had it!

You’ve got two options right now:

  1. You can go out and continue to do these fad diets…

You know what’s wrong with a fad diet?

It’s not permanent…

You know what happens, when you do a fad diet?

You try it and you might find one that works and might find one that doesn’t work…

And even if you get some results, you can’t keep doing it long-term…

Let’s say after six months on the diet plan, you can’t take it anymore and you stop…

That’s exactly what happens, when you follow these fad diets…

They are not permanent, because you are treating the symptoms and you’re not going to the source of the problem…

If you go down that route then hopefully one day you find the right information and it finally clicks in your mind…

It took me a long time and I’ve been through almost every course out there before I finally put the pieces together and it just clicked…

That light bulb went on and I had that “ahhaa” moment…

Everything just made sense…

Like the matrix, all off the sudden everything looks different now once you see it…

That is the other option…

  • To find somebody that’s internalized the information and it’ll fast track your way to where you want to go…

Let me give you an example…

I struggled with my golf game for what must have been 10-12 years…

I played it since I was a kid with my dad…

I just sucked…

I would get up there, I would swing and hit the drive and the ball would go 200 yards straight up and then it would suddenly turn and it would just fly 75 yards to the right…

They call that a slice…

It would go into the woods and out of bounds…

Every game I’d lose 20 balls and we spent at least an hour looking for my balls…

So the game lasted way longer because of me…

I sliced for at least 10 years…

I never knew how to fix it and I had been playing…

I would play with people and no one ever brought up how to fix it…

Maybe no one knew…

What ended up happening was eventually one day I was stationed in Washington state… I’m in the Navy…

I was on a driving range and I had decided I wanted to get good at golf…

I didn’t know how and I didn’t know what it was going to take…

So I decided that I’m going to go every single day until I get good…

Every day after work I would go to the golf course and I would go to the driving range…

I would hit the balls until it got dark and I had to go home…

Until they closed and kicked me out…

I was there every day…

Finally, one day this guy comes up to me…

Maybe he was inspired because he has seen me there so often trying to get good at golf…

He comes up to me and says “Hey, I noticed, you got a slice there.”…

I said “Yeah, I know. I’ve had one for a while”…

He said “You know, I can help you with that”…

I was curious and asked him how could he help me with it…

He said “all you got to do is when you are swinging the club and holding it in your hands…

You need to make sure you turn the club face over. Did you use to play baseball?”

I said I did…

He said that’s why I swing the way I do…

Because this is how you swing a baseball bat…

He said “Not in golf…

In golf, when you’re coming back and then come through, you got to turn the club back over…

Because your hands open up as you bring the club back and it requires you to turn them back over when you come forward towards the ball…

If you don’t, it puts the spin on the ball because you are hitting the ball at an angle…

But if you get your hands back over, the clubface turn straight and hits the ball flat…

Then it will go straight”…

This guy, within less than a minute changed my golf game forever…

I now have a 320-yard drive with a little tiny draw to it…

It no longer slices…

It never slices…

That’s because one guy was making that comment…

It turns out that guy ended up being a PGA certified Pro…

He had his pro card and he played on the PGA…

He had internalized the golf game just like the mechanic had internalized the oil changes and just like you can internalize weight loss…

He had internalized the golf game in his mind…

when he has seen me, he knew exactly what thing I needed to fix…

He told me and it changed my game…

I went from where I couldn’t break a 100…

72 strokes is like expert level…

If you finish 18 holes in 72 strokes, it’s a perfect game of golf…

100 strokes is not very good…

I got all the way down to 80, which is amazing…

From one guy giving me advice…

Internalize the Right Information and You’ll Be Able to Lose Weight Easily

Now, I’m not telling you that you need to go and get a personal trainer…

That is NOT what I’m saying…

Although, if someone you know actually knows this stuff really well, then certainly get information from him or her…

What I’m saying is that you need to find someone, who has internalized this information, because guess what…

If you find that person….

Then instead of taking 10 years I could’ve fixed my gold game in 1 minute…

The same thing…

I’ve internalized weight loss, it has took me 2 to 4 years to get to that point…

Imagine being able to know what I know within a short period of time…

How amazing would that be?

You could literally be losing weight…

Let me tell you what it’s like, when you achieve internalization in weight loss…

You eat whatever you want, anything you want…

You don’t have to go to the gym, if you don’t want to…

You can go to the gym if you like…

You know what else is cool?

You can do ketogenic diet, if you want…

Guess what else you can do?

You can NOT do a ketogenic diet, you can do the Paleo diet…

You can do whatever other diet that pops up on the market, it doesn’t matter…

You can do any diet you ever want to do…

You know why?


They all have the same reason that they work…

There is nothing magical about one diet or another…

The only reason any of the diets actually work is because of one main principle…

That’s it!

The same principle is common among all of them…

That’s why they all work…

That’s why there are before and after pictures on every single diet…

Because they all work…

Did this blow your mind?

They all work, but it’s not the diet that’s going to make you lose weight…

It’s the principle of weight loss…

You need to internalize that information…

Once you understand weight loss and you understand how it works…

You can just lose weight any time you want…

You can gain weight if you want or you can lose weight if you want…

You never have to consciously think about it…

You never have to sit there and think about what you need to do…

It just happens…

Internalizing Weight Loss Is like Internalizing Your Morning Routine

Let me give an example…

When you wake up in the morning…

You probably have a routine that you follow, you follow that routine every morning after you’ve woken up…

Eventually you don’t think about that routine, you just do it…

If someone comes in and tries to change your routine, you fight back…
You say “No! I’m used to doing it this way, I like it this way”…

You know why you like it that way?

Because you don’t have to consciously use any power of your brain to do that…

It’s in your subconscious, which means you get to relax…

Your conscious mind gets to relax and your subconscious just takes over and you’re on La La land, because you’ve internalized that information…

That’s what I mean by you don’t have to think about it anymore…

It’s just like breathing…

Breathing is the perfect example…

When was last time you sat there on the couch and was thinking that you need to make sure you breathe in…

And if I don’t breathe, I’m going to die, because oxygen is the most important resource in this planet that I need to take in the most of…

So, let me make sure that I breathe at least once every 10 seconds…

When was the last time you did that? Never!

You don’t need to think about breathing, because you’ve internalized the information…

I’ve given so many examples, because I really want you to understand this concept, because no one’s talked about it before…

I just want you to understand that you can have this with weight loss…

You can have the body that you’ve always dreamed…

You don’t need to struggle with weight loss any more…

You don’t need to be upset at yourself because you can’t follow some stupid diet that you were never supposed to follow to begin with…

You’re not supposed to be that person at work who always says “I can’t eat bread… I can’t eat carbs… because I’m on a diet”…

How stressful is that?

That you have to live your life telling people what you can and cannot eat?

What if you need to go out to a restaurant with a bunch of people?

How the hell are you going to decide on what are you going to eat from the menu?

What if you’re going to a friend’s house and they are cooking?

Are you then going to be a hobbit and never have a life because you’re on a diet?

That’s why people fall off the wagon…

That’s why people don’t stay on these diets long-term… because they are stupid…

You can’t follow a stupid program long-term…

It’s just not natural…

There’s so much food in this world that is enjoyable… that you should be able to eat…

You shouldn’t be having these limitations set on yourself…

Why would you? You only live once…

Why not enjoy your life?

Why not have the body of your dreams and still eat everything you want to eat?

Imagine how good that would feel…

Imagine the confidence that you´ll have when you have that body…

You will be able to do everything you ever wanted…

You don’t have to stress or feel the embarrassment of failure of not being able to control your body weight…

It’s never been your fault…

You just haven’t had the right information…

Take the ‘Melt Your Body Fat’ Special Offer Right Now

I have something really special that I’m offering right now…

It’s very special to me and it’s everything that I know…

I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out how I can transfer what I know to you in a way that doesn’t take you two years or four years to figure out…

I was trying so hard to figure this out…

How can I do this?

Every course I’ve been on has been 8 weeks…

Every single course I’ve ever been to that was any good, that I learned something from long-term, was 8 weeks…

Why was that?

The reason it was 8 weeks (which I learned later on) was that’s how long it takes to develop a new habit…

It takes 8 weeks…

It’s proven…

That’s why you need 8 weeks to develop a new habit…

Once you develop a new habit, if you do it the right way and you’re given the right information in a right format and in a way that is simple to understand…

You can change a habit into a new habit…

Right now your habit that you have is being overweight…

The lifestyle that you’ve created is not your fault, but it’s still there, is being overweight…

That’s what is causing you to be overweight…

It is your choices and your life and your habits that you have…

Now, if you give me 8 weeks…

I’m going to take you from here and put you into a new habit and it’s not going to be painful…

It’s going to be enjoyable and it’s going to be simple to follow…

All you have to do is follow a few simple steps a few minutes a day and you can change your habit…

You will be on the road to a whole new life and a whole new body…

No more health problems…

Never having to worry about heart disease, clogged arteries, type 2 diabetes, losing your limbs…

None of that will be in the equation for you ever again…

I want that for you…

Why Should I Help You Lose Weight?

I’ll tell you why I want that for you…

The reason is that I have family that is overweight and I understand how stressful that can be…

Some of my best friends are overweight and I know that they don’t have the right info out there…

I know if they did have the right info that they would be able to do it and they wouldn’t have these worries that they have now…

I want to help people save their life…

Call me selfish, but it makes me feel good to help other people…

So I’m actually doing this for me not for you…

Because I want to help people in the best way I can…

What’s better then saving lives?

Potentially, saving lives…

Saving someone getting their arm cut off, because they’ve got type 2 diabetes…

Forget the bodybuilders that just want to look good…

I don’t care about them…

I don’t care about taking your game to the next level, even though I could do that…

I don’t care about that…

I care about the guy that has been lied to his whole life…

His life’s on the line…

He’s borderline getting a heart attack and doctor’s are telling him that pretty soon he will start losing limbs…

That he doesn’t have long to live if he doesn’t change his lifestyle…

Those are the people that I want to help, because I feel for me that has the most benefit for what I want to do…

That is why I’m doing it…

I really hope you can find your way to getting internalization with weight loss because it’ll change your game…

When I counted the calories for two years, that sucked…

Holy crap! That really sucked…

I spent more time preparing for my meals and counting the calories that day and the mental power involved in that, then just eating the meal…

It was a nightmare…

I couldn’t go places to eat…

I couldn’t go out…

My wife wanted to take me out to a restaurant and I was thinking, they don’t have the calories written on the menu…

How am I going to count my calories?

What a horrible way to live?

Come on, I know you want to lose weight and I know you’re desperate and I know you’re willing to try those things, because I was too…

But there’s a better way…

You just got to follow me and go ahead, check it out…


I’ve got a special deal right now…

I am still building the product right now…

I’m really excited about it…

I’m building this product and I’ve got the outline, I’ve got the format, everything is already there in my mind…

Don’t have to research the information, it’s already here…

I want to teach it live…

I’m not going to do pre-staged things…

I want to have people there and the first group that joins, that’s with me, the ‘Beta’ users if you will…

You’re going to be helping me build this program…

You’re going to be giving me feedback…

You’re going to be letting me know what works, what I should change and what I should add…

There’s going to be ton of stuff in this course…

For example, the personal trainer app is already half-way made…

It’s going to have ton of stuff on there from anything you could ever want when it comes to weight loss in one location…

Anything you’ll ever need, I’m going to put into this app…

I’m also developing a game app that is actually going to simulate competition…

The goal of that game is to get down to a healthy level of body fat and you don’t win the game until you get there…

There’s going to be different cards, like craving cards, appetite cards, all these different things…

And it’s really going to drive home the internalization of this plan…

There are so much coming…

You got to be there for it!

Go ahead and click the button…

Sign up for the program…

Be with me on this journey…

We’re going to help change your life and many other people’s lives as well…

Hope to see you there!
